Chapter 6: Mischief, Magic and Classes

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Jinx walked into the room. The classroom was painted white and had several rows of dark brown wooden desks and stools. Jinx saw a black board at the front of the class room and an old rotten wooden desk. To her surprise there was no teacher present.

“Hey. Where’s the teacher?” Jinx asked confused.

 “Oh, he’ll be here, don’t worry, we’ll notice him when he comes” Kate said with a smirk as she sat down in the middle row with Andrea, Bridget and Rachel. Jinx joined her. Soon the other girls arrived.

Jinx glanced around the classroom. She saw that the tables were divided between the different students and each table had a similar clique all except the table she was sitting on. Jinx was about to question this when she realised that her friends were the leaders of each clique and they were separated to control the members of each clique.

Jinx waited for the teacher to come. She wondered how long it would be before he or she came and she could start her first class at Charms High. Ten minutes later a gust of wind stormed through the classroom and all the girls felt silent as a ghost appeared.

“Well good morning ladies I guess I startled you there didn’t I?” said the ghost of a middle aged man.

 The ghost wore smart trousers, a t-shirt, tie and a waist coat with a badge saying professor Witlock. The ghost also had eyes that appeared to be the colour of death and depression but also had a twinkle in them.

“I understand that we have a new student joining us today. You, the girl with the yellow hair, introduce yourself” Continued the professor pointing at Jinx.

Jinx glanced around confused, until she realised that the teacher was referring to her. Oh great Jinx thought. Jinx walked over to the front of the class.

 “Hi everyone, I’m Jane Grey. Jinx for short. I had no idea I was a witch until recently, I’m sure you’ll find out why I’m called Jinx soon. Well that’s all” Jinx said rather quickly as she hurriedly walked back to her seat.

“Ok, well then welcome Jinx.” the professor said.

“Today we will be learning about the persecution of witches. Now as you know, in the past, witches were seen as dangerous creatures. Well many great witches such as Bloody Mary invented ingredients or names for witchcraft that were seen as……." The Professor continued.

Jinx looked around the classroom she saw that most girls had either dozed off or were doodling in their books.

Jinx then continued to listen to her professor as he said “Now then the reason why I am talking about the persecution of witches is because we will also study dark witches, and they do terrible actions towards mortals while the world was ruled by them and how mortals created a hoax outline of our kind.”

 Jinx could hear the girls groan so this is why everyone hates, this class it can be very dark at times Jinx thought.

Soon the class had finished and Jinx had written a page of notes, (Unlike her friends who had fallen asleep) Jinx noticed that Kate was still asleep. She couldn’t help it but she did it anyway; Jinx got out an ink pot and pen; she drew a moustache on Kate’s face and a black beard and to finish it off some panda eyes, Jinx chuckled. The others saw what she had done and burst in to fits of giggles. 

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