Chapter 17: Revision Exams and a bad situation

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  • Dedicated to Girthiga

Here it is, another chapter! I hope this one's not too bad this is just what I came up with at the spur of the moment after someone nagged me to update more. Anyways enjoy!

“Ok bye Helen. You guys don’t annoy her too much!” Jinx laughed as she hung up the phone in the hall. It had been two months since her dreaded first P.E. lesson, after a trip to the Charms High infirmary, where much to everyone’s surprise nothing was broken. Jinx received the usual acts of sympathy some weren’t even in her form, and Kate was extremely amused by her room mate’s situation in P.E. and would often tease Jinx on the subject for a number of weeks. Thankfully the gossip of the young Witche’s trouble in P.E. had died down recently. The young witch also realised that she had become so accustomed to her life at the scool that she had neglected talking to the kids back at the orphanage and quickly fixed that. Over the past two months she had made weekly phone calls to the orphanage, which had at first consisted of several minutes of scolding for not contacting them for months, butt then it turned into general chit chat on everyday life, minus a few references to magic from the young witch.  

Jinx headed back towards the dorm, class had just ended for the day, her last class had been D.M.C.C. with baby enchanted snakes, which thankfully no longer involved any “life threatening situations” (as many of the girls called the D.M.C.C. lesson with the dragons) since Miss Crimson was present in the room at all times,

When she entered the dorms Jinx wsas amazed at what she saw, what was normally a room full of chaos and teenaged witches, was now a room full of school girls actually.... studying and it wasn’t just the Geeks it was everyone. Have I walked through the looking glass Jinx wondered as she rubbed her eyes to make sure she hadn’t imagined it.

“What’s wrong Jinx? Never seen any of us hit the books before?” Alice asked as the walked out of the Princess’s room. Jinx shook her head still confused. “Bridget decided to check if the statue cat-cam was working in the staffroom and heard the teachers talking about having our end of year exams in like 3 weeks. So everyone’s craming.” Explained the pixie haired witch, as she left the dorm.

Great. I was hoping exams would never come Jinx sighed as she walked to her room ready to start cramming, she noticed Kate reading their mortal study history book and chewing her pen in frustration.“Something bothering you Kate?” Jinx smiled.

“Yeah. Learning about the Tudor times is so boring! The information’s all wrong!” Kate huffed, the young witch was referring to the alternative magical view of the Tudor time, which she believed was the actual history of that era,(which involved potions, enchantments, and a rebellion) since she had grown up in the magical world.

 Jinx laughed “well it can’t all be fun Kate” she replied as she too opened her mortal history book. “Let me show you a technique that might make this more interesting the mortal way” Jinx grinned

<a few hours later>

“What are these things called again? They’re really helpful” Kate asked, There was a large number of brightly coloured paper from every mortal subject they took all over their beds.

“Flash cards” Jinx replied. “Kate how have you been studied these last few years?” she questioned.

“I just read from the book for mortal subjects, since the books have a spell on them which means I have to learn without magic. For the other classes I get the book to teach me, with a simple talk-back spell and practice my spells and potions” Kate explained, as she finished reading another flash card.

“Wow that sounds kind of easier and yet kind of difficult” Jinx replied. “What are the exams like here?” she asked, after all their entire form was studying and she wondered why none of them would consider cheating, they did it in the hockey game, why not in a test?.

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