Chapter 13: Hockey Try-Out Charms High style!

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Hey guys,

Sorry for not updating for a while. But here's a nice long chapter for you to make up for lost time. Enjoy!

“Kate, why are we here?” Jinx asked.

The whole school was in the hall and breakfast had ended. Normally, all the girls would be in their lessons right now, but the headmistress had told the students and faculty members to go to the hall.

“I don’t know. But I think it might have something to do with the upcoming match and the trials which are today” replied Kate. “On the bright side, we get to skip science.” smirked the dark haired girl.

At Charms High the girls often had normal mortal subjects as well as magical ones. Jinx would often have one normal class a day along with her magical classes. Science was today’s mortal class and to Jinx’s relief they were missing it. Niether Kater nor Jinx liked science . . . to them it was a bore.

It had been a few days since Jinx had discovered her powers. She had been practicing her powers and was doing well so far. She was able to use her powers with ease and could make anything if she concentrated hard enough.

The girls were interrupted by the headmistress who said, “Hello girls, I’m sure your all pleased to be out of classes this morning.” The students laughed at her joke as the headmistress chuckled. “I would like to remind you all that today are the hockey try-outs and that in a few weeks time we will have a match against Hillingdon Academy for Wizards.”

There were mummers of excitement from the students. The headmistress banged on the podium and instantly the hall was silenced. “Now I believe Kelly our hockey coach and head girl has an important announcemen.t” finished the headmistress as she sat back down.

Just then a girl with pale skin and short black hair stood up. She was wearing a short black skirt, black pumps, a short sleeved shirt and a tight blazer. The girl also wore dark red lip stick and heavy eyeliner was called Kelly.

Kelly walked up to the podium. “Hey there girls! As most of you know it’s been a while since we had a match against Hillingdon Academy. So for the try-outs we will only accept  the best in hockey and magic. As its been a while since we’ve seen these boys, I think its only natural that we prepare a special welcome for them.” She explained. Her voice was filled with confidence and also a hint of mischief and as she encouraged the girls on their luck, she walked back to her seat.

 The assembly had finished and the girls left the hall. 

Let’s hope I get in thought Jinx smiling anxiously.

...<later that day>...

As Jinx walked outside towards the hockey pitch, she saw Kate and a few others also lingering around the field. All the girls were dressed in their own versions of the school P.E. kit such as Kate was wearing a sleeveless white t-shirt and black short shorts and black converses.

“Nice outfi.t” replied Jinx.

“Thanks, I like yours too.” admired her friend, scanning Jinx from head to toe.

Jinx was wearing a white tank top and black tracksuit trousers along with some plimsolls and her hair was pulled back in to a loose pony tail.

Jinx glanced around and noticed that most of the girls were  here to try out. “So how many people are there in the hockey team anyway?” Jinx asked curious.

“Including me . . . there’s eleven. There were sixteen last year but the five people were sixth formers in their final year. So we're looking fir five people.” replied Kate.

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