Chapter 9: Chaos in D.M.C.C. (Deadly Magical Creatures Care)

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"Now I'm glad you're all here, now we can begin..." said a voice.

The girls all turned around to the sound of the voice. Jinx was shocked at what she saw. Next to a desk at the end of the classroom was a woman.

The women had curly red hair tied in a bun, a slim figure and a pale complexion; she wore a Gothic black and red Victorian styled dress and blood red lipstick and smoky blue eye-shadow. However there was one thing that shocked Jinx who had just to learn about magical beings. The teacher had a huge head, three times the size of any normal head.

Wow...Um Alice what do I do? Jinx telepathically asked the dark haired pixie-like witch, with pleading eyes, as she didn’t want to offend the new teacher on her first day (after all Professor Griffin would be holding a grudge on her and Nat for the rest of the year, due to the incident. So why bother adding someone else to the list?)

 “Just um...don’t look so surprised...act natural? It won’t be so hard, you’ll get used to it eventually. It took a lot of us only a few lessons with her, but you’ll find out why...” replied Alice quickly hoping that this would help Jinx.

The girls walked off to their desks, Jinx sat with Kate, Alice, Natalia, Andrea, Rachel and Bridget on a table near a window. How do we take care of Magical creatures if there are NO magical creatures to take care of? Jinx though as she took out her text book.

 “You’ll see” answered Alice, “Oh and you don’t need that. Text book reading is mostly homework in this class. It’s mostly practical stuff in this class. You better put it away or else you’ll be sorry later” she quickly added.

“Now I’m glad that you’re all here, but I expect you to be earlier next time” said the teacher. 

“I understand we have a new pupil today; what is your name girl?” asked the teacher turning to Jinx.

 Jinx was nervous and slightly scared; there was something intimidating about the teacher that made her feel uncomfortable. “ name’s Jane Grey...but everyone calls me Jinx...miss?” was all she managed to say.

“Very well Jinx. I am Miss Crimson...your D.M.C.C teacher, I expect discipline, courage and excellent magical abilities in this class...understood?” replied Miss Crimson.

 Jinx couldn’t help but shudder as the teacher said her nickname, the tone of voice that Miss Crimson used made it sound like an insult and it also had a no nonsense attitude. Jinx had a feeling that the teacher strongly disliked her and there was nothing she could do to change that.

Miss Crimson waved her wand and to Jinx’s astonishment peculiar looking creatures walked out of the paintings hung up on the walls. The creature had sharp pointy claws, dragon-like wings and scales on its skin as well as sharp teeth and emerald green eyes which were placed in cages.

“What is this thing?” Jinx whispered to Kate.

But before Kate could answer Bridget said “this thing is a venomous has venom that can be used as poison or a healing potion to save your life.”  


Wow, that sounds pretty cool Jinx thought. “Yeah it is, but you’ve got to be careful cause they’re deadly.” Alice replied, ignoring Jinx’s glare for reading her mind.

 Once everyone was settled Miss Crimson spoke. “I’m glad you’ve all been acquainted with our little pets.” she smiled, as she glanced at the dragons.

“For the next four weeks, you will be learning how to tame these creatures. As you all know, the venomous dragon plays a large part in our school; Over the years we have used the venom of the dragon as a healing potion to help students with serious injuries and the dragons’ poison and fighting ability has helped defend the school countless of times and will continue to do so.” She continued, as she said this she looked through the window as if in some sort of daze.

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