Twitter Banter & Mr. December

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"Fuck!" Demi swore as she messed up on one of the lyrics, completely missing the pitch that she was supposed to have due to the fact that he throat is sore from the two hours that she's been in the booth. She stops the music again snatches off her headphones before flopping down on her office chair.

"Come on Demz you've been at it all day, you're just gonna mess your voice up at this rate." Selena says while stepping back into Demi's home studio with two sub sandwiches that she whipped up. She looks at Demi, taking in the girl's tense posture and the subtle bags under her eyes.

"I can't help it Sel, this is really pissing me off." She admits. "I mean, everyday my album gets more and more negative comments, all of them about my vocals." Selena gives her a sad smile. "I mean, is it that bad?" She looks at Selena with a look that Selena knew all too well, she wanted her friend to be brutally honest with her.

Selena lets a out wavering sigh before setting down her sandwich.

"There are... A few instances in which your voice wavers as you hit a high note, and sometimes you sound as if you're completely out of breath." Demi sighs at Selena's admission and slouches in her chair.

"Great." Demi mumbles. Selena looks at her sadly.

"Have you thought about getting a vocal coach?" Selena asks, while Demi just shrugged.

"My manager doesn't believe that i need one, she wont even let me meet with one to get their opinion." Selena scoffs and shakes her head.

"I think I know someone who might be able to help." She tells Demi while picking up her phone. "They'll even come to you so no one knows about it."

"Who?" Demi asks, becoming interested in Selena's idea. She watches as Selena's finger move at a rapid pace as she texts furiously on her phone.

"A...friend of Taylor's and I, she is a vocal coach, a DJ and a choreographer" Selena keeps texting. "She's the one that choreographed my music video to Slow Down." Demi's eye brows went up in surprise, she was secretly obsessed with that music video, mainly the choreography.

"Everyone calls her Mr. December." Selena tells, this makes Demi raise an eyebrow, upon seeing this Selena chuckles and continues. "She was born on December 30th, and rather than waiting until the end of the month to celebrate her birth, she hosts these exclusive parties at her chain of night clubs all month long."

"I heard about her," Demi says. "I also heard rumors that she was born with a..."

"They're not rumors." Selena tells.

"Oh." Demi blushes slightly and goes back to toying with her sanwhich.

"Listen Demz" Selena places a comforting hand on Demi's. "I know this is eating you up, and I wanna help you out in anyway that I can. I really think that she'd be perfect for you, she helped me when I lost my voice and now my voice is stronger than ever. She knows what she's doing."

"I hear you Lena, I do im just... I really want this to work out." Demi admits.

"And it will, trust me." Selena smiles warmly prompting Demi to roll her eyes playfully.

"Okay fine, just let me know when we can meet." Selena squeals and goes back to texting.

"How soon do you want to meet her?"

"As soon as possible." Selena nods her head.

"Sent and done." She smiles and sets her phone down.

"Now what?" Demi asks?

"Now we go get mani-pedis to get you to relax." Before Demi can protest, Selena takes her by the hand and makes her stand. "Come on, no arguing"

Getting mani-pedis didn't seem to help, Demi spent the entire time reading negative comments on twitter about her recent album.

"They just get worse as I scroll down." Demi told as she continued to scroll down.

"C'mon Demi, you're supposed to be relaxing, not arguing with people on twitter." Demi rolls her eyes.

"I didn't argue with anyone, I just defended myself and my voice." Selena scoffs but smiles.

"Yeah, you stick with that." Selena closes her eyes and relaxes.

Demi sighs and turn off her phone and lays her head back to try and relax.

"Did she text you back yet?"

"Not yet" Selena tells with her eyes still closed. "She's probably still on the plane, she was in Vancouver for a photoshoot."

Demi sighs and hears her phone ding, telling her that she has a Twitter notification. The woman simply groans and tries to ignore her phone, but it begins to ding repeatedly.

Selena opens her eyes and looks at Demi just as Demi opens the twitter app, and her jaw slight drops.

"More comments?" Selena asks, worry written all over her face.

"Y-yeah, but not about my singing." Selena arches an eye brow.

"Well what is it?"

"Uh, the fans are trying to ship me with a... Harley Thompson AKA Lee December."

"Wait what?" Selena reaches for her own phone and pulls up twitter. "That's the coach I was telling you about! She's also my choreographer, she moves those hips like pure silk." Selena practically purrs.

Demi keeps scrolling through twitter until she came to the source of the notifications. She clicks on a link that takes her to a picture of the woman in question, along with a quote from her recent magazine interview.

"I guess I haven't found the right woman, but I wont lie, that Demi character is totally wifey material." Demi reads out loud.

"#Hemi" Selena says. "#HemiBabies. They've already got the ship name all over twitter, Instagram... Snapchat."

Demi shakes her head in shock and scrolls through the pictures and gifs of she and this woman.

"Ive never even met her." Selena's phone chimes, she lets out an amused chuckle.

"You will, tonight." Demi looks at Selena who waves her phone. "She just texted me back."

"Fantastic." Demi says, still trying to process what just happened. She lets out a sigh and looks over at Selena. "Where are we meeting her?"

"At her house, she has a home studio there."

Hey guys, im not sure where this story will go, i just got bored and started writing. I am open to suggestions and requests.

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