DayDream Sandy

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  After mom comforting me I got ready for bed. I am exhausted. 

    The next morning I got ready for school and left. When I reached first period I saw John. His eyes enlightened.  He came up to me. "Hey sandy." I smiled and I felt butterflies flying in my stomach. "Hi."  The bell rang and he went to his seat.

   I started taking notes on the subject we were discussing. I got carried away and started to sketch out drawings of John. I did every little detail of him. The way his hair flows and the curves of his cheeks.

    The bell rang for second period. I found myself thinking of John again. He wasn't in this period but he was in my next. I tried to rush it so I could see him but it just made it go slower.

  Finally I saw him again but that period was fast, too fast. I needed to see more of him so I asked him to come to the park and meet at the same tree I first saw him. He politely agreed and I ran home to get ready.

  Mom came in with a smile on her face because she saw mine. "Someone's happy." I looked at from my closet and said," Mom I haven't been this happy in so long." She looked at me in concern. "What do you mean sweetie?"
   I looked at her again and sat her on the bed. I took a deep breath. "Mom Steve has been beating me. I didn't want anyone to worry because I'm fine. Well not all the way but I'm alive."
   I showered her the bruises and scares he left behind. Her eyes started to tear as so was mine. "Sandra you should have told me or your father. This is serious. He could have done so much more damage."  Her face was red. I started to regret telling her. But it felt good to get it off my chest.
   "Yes mom I know I did bad. I'm sorry." She brought me in her arms. "Its alright. I'm just glade your fine now." She left and I got ready. I changed and redid my makeup and hair.

  I headed off to the park. My heart racing like a bunny's. I met him were I said I was. He looked so handsome standing there.

  "Sandy. Hey how are you?" I shrugged. "Eh I could be better." His eyes were soft and I fell for them. "You look ravishing." I blushed and looked down. "Thank you. As so do you." He smirked and made a smart remark." Don't I always." I laughed and we started walking." So why did you want to meet up?" I looked down and said,"I-I wanted to thank you for what you did."

  "Oh that was no problem. " something popped in my mind and blurted out of my mouth." Do you still love me John? " I could tell I caught him off guard. He slide his hand in his greasy hair." Honestly I still do." My eyes widened at his response. Suddenly I felt his smooth lips against mine. I didn't resist I let it happened. He put his arms around my waist held me tight. Kisses he left on my lips that tasted sweet.

   He was a tough guy image but a softy inside. I could already tell with just one kiss. He pulled away for breath and he looked in my eyes. "Your a good kisser Lennon." I said. He smirked and kisses me again on the lips. He pulled away again. We walked on hand in hand.
That day we had so much fun.

   Johns POV
As I stood there hand in hand with Sandy I studied every little thing she did. I also studied the way her dimples sinked whenever she laughed or when her nose scrunched up when something she didn't like appeared. As I was kissing her I had my arms wrapped around her and felt every curve of her body. Like a snake her body fascinates me I can't look away now. I knew she couldn't see me when I was hidden by the light.

    Now all the people are staring as we play around. Can't they understand that I want her happens every week. I think about her every night. If I should call her or not I wonder at night.

Her soothing voice interrupted my thoughts."John." I snapped out of it as her hand waved in my face." Are you OK? You've been staring at me for a while. Starting to creep me out."  She giggled which caused me to laugh. As we sat on the grass we watched all the kids play. "You know I use to think I was going to have a future with Steve. Till that day he hurt me. But then I shined it off and still thought that we were going to have a future. How stupid can I be?" As she talked and I listened it seemed I became more fascinated with her.

  Sandy's POV

When it came for me to say bye to John I was disappointed. I didn't want to say good bye.  But just as I was about to kiss John goodnight my father comes out and ruins it. I watched till he was out of sight.

  Today felt like a daydream. It was the best daydream I ever had in a long time now that I'm not with Steve anymore.

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