ain't she sweet

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I stayed in my room all day and I didn't eat. I was depressed. I was thinking I'm not able to see John again. Then I thought no I am going to see John he's my love. At least I thought so.

  He was always on  mind. I had butterflies in my stomach when I was near him a stupid wide smile when I thought him. I thought is this love? And what this meant I don't know. I am so young to know.

  Mum came in with a plate of cookies and a glass of milk. She set it on my dresser. "How you doing honey?" I gave her are you serious look. She smiled and said," Right sorry stupid question. " I looked at her and said,"Mum what is love and how do you know if you are in love?"

Her eyes widened. "Well sweetie love is something you share with a person. You know if your in love if you think about them constantly. You want them to have your heart. Oh and you get butterflies in stomach. But I mean love is a precious thing. If you fell like your in love you go for it. Sandy?" I was in a daze. "Hm?" She smiled." Its that Lennon boy isn't it?" I nodded. "She stood up from my bed." Go."

I was shocked. "What?"

    "Go to John."

     "But dad." She cut me off. It was her favorite thing to do to people. "He's not home. Everyday when he's at work you can see him."

I stood up and gave mum a big hug. I put on my jeans fixed my hair and ran. I ran towards John's house and rang the bell.

His aunt answered I tried to catch my breath. "W-wheres John?" Mimi had a stern look on her face it was tight. "I'm afraid john is not here right now. And stand up straight or your gonna get a hunch back." I stood up and had a worried look in my face.

Her face seemed to relax while mine looked like I was gonna cry. "I think John is at strawberry field dear." I repeated her words in my head. "Thanks mad'am." I darted to strawberry fields. I look around and I didn't see John. Then heard a song.

Oh ain't she sweet,
Well see her walking down that street.
Yes I ask you very confidentially,
Ain't she sweet?

Oh ain't she nice,
Well look her over once or twice.
Yes I ask you very confidentially,
Ain't she nice?

Just cast an eye
In her direction.
Oh me oh my,
Ain't that perfection?

Oh I repeat
Well don't you think that's kind of neat?
Yes I ask you very confidentially,

Ain't she sweet?
Oh ain't that nice,
Well look it over once or twice.
Yes I ask you very confidentially,
Ain't she nice?

In her direction.
Oh me oh my,
Ain't that perfection?

Then the music stopped. I heard a girl. She was moaning. "John. John!" The girl was screaming John's name. My heart racing my palms getting sweaty. John was grunting. "Fuck! Oh Gina!" I cover my ears with my hands. I wanted to cry.  

It stopped. "Sandy." I froze. "Gina. This isn't right." John said. "I love Sandy." The girl sobbed. I came out from the corner. "Really?" I said surprising them. "Sandy how long were you there?" I waved the question aside. "Never mind that. Do you really?" He smiled. "Yes. Yes I do." I gave him a kiss I felt his hot sweaty body. I pulled away. "But you slept with another girl." Sadness was in my voice.

Then I looked and saw bottles of beer. "Your drunk? So you don't mean what you just said." I stood up. I ran. I ran as fast as I could back home. Tears stung my eyes. 

I came in sobbing. I didn't notice my dad was home. I ran in my room. And shut everyone out.

I heard a knock. "Go away." It was Anna. She came in.  Tears rolled down my eyes. "Sandy. I want to help you." I faced my back to her. "There's nothing you can do. He fucked another girl." Anna's mouth dropped. "I'm so sorry Sandy." She gave me a hug and I sobbed on her shoulder. Anna was only fifteen  but, she knew a lot.

  "There's someone I know you'll like though his names George he's about your age and he's John's mate." Anna sighed. "I don't care about that right now Sandy. I care about you at the moment. Your so sweet to think of me." I gave a weak smile.

  "The number is in my desk." She rolled her eyes. "Sandy!" I met eye to eye with her. "Later!" I nodded"John told me he loved me and but he slept with another woman." Anna sighed. "I knew it." She whispered under her breath. "Know what." She looked up at me. "Did he say her name." I looked at her concerned. "Yea Gina. Why?" She got off my bed. "That bastard." I was confused.

"Anna, what going on?" She fluffed her hair. "Gina is my best friend Bella's sister. She had eyes for John and I guess she got him some way." I was in shock. The girl did look familiar. "I'll be back." I got up. "Where are you going?" She  didn't answer. She left. I tried to run after her but she was to fast.

  I went back in my room and looked blankly at my walls. Johns words scrambled in my head. I fell asleep and I woke up with John by my side. I was startled. "What are you doing hear." I said very quietly. "I needed to see you. That girl didn't mean anything to me." I rolled my eyes. "Bullshit Lennon." His eyes grew dark. I couldn't see the same John.

"Dammit women!" He yelled. He slammed his lips against mine. He broke it and hurried to lock the door. Then he slammed his lips again. He pinned my hands down. I honestly liked him being rough. I didn't fight him I let him do what he wanted.

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