pretty Flamingo

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After I had comforted John I had fell asleep in his arms. When I woke up John was looking at me. He smiled once he noticed I was awake. "You slept quite a long time." I smiled in embarrassment and stood up on my feet.

"I should get going I have so much homework to catch up on." He smiled and walked me to his door. His aunt Mimi came and right before I was gonna give John a kiss she slammed the door in my face. I didn't take it to personal. Not everyone likes me. And I accept that.

I started walking home and I noticed some boys looking at me and smiling. I ignored it and kept on walking. I heard one of the boys whistle and called out "hey girl." My pace quickened. Suddenly one of the boys came up to me and asked for a date. "We heard you left Steve and wondered if you would like to go out with one of us?" I polity shook my head no and walked on.

I made it. Mom and dad were home and were sitting in the living room. "Hi dad." I gave him my hug and kiss. "Where were you?" I looked at him. "I was helping a friend."

"Was this friend might be John Lennon." My eyes bulge out." Um yea." He put down the news paper and called me to meet eye to eye with him." Listen Sandy, I heard about this John guy and by the looks of it I already don't like him. He sounds like he uses girls." I rolled my eyes. "No dad I think you mistaken him for Steve." My dad looked deep in my eyes. "If he hurts you I'll kill him. OK?" I nodded and went to my room.

The next morning the door bell woke me up. I just laid there not getting up till mom called down. I washed my face tried to make myself descent.

At the front door I came face to face with a good looking boy that I never seen. "Hey Sandy I heard that you had broke up with Steve. And wondered if you would go out with me?" My face turned red and hot. I didn't know what to say. "Gee um." He blurted out "Michael." I gave him a smile. "Michael. Right now just isn't the time. And plus I'm kinda seeing someone already." His face flushed with embarrassment. "I'm sorry." He walked away and I closed the door. My mom came. "Who was that?" I blew my hair out of my face. "Word sure gets around." I could tell she was confused.

"Its nothing mom. " I went upstairs to get ready. I picked out a dress that sorta cling tight. I decided to go out for a walk. As I walked I had people stop and stare at me. I would smile and walk on. One of the boys went up to me and asked me out.

As always I say no. I don't know whats going on. All these boys coming up and asking me if I want to go out with them. They never done this before.

I saw Katie walking with Bradley. "Hey Katie." She gave me a hug and Bradley said hi. "What's going on with all the boys asking me out?" Katie looked at Bradley and then back at me. "Sandy, Before you went out with Steve everyone wanted you. I mean your beautiful. I think Bradley even wanted you." She looked over at him and his face turned bright red. "I uh may have ah had a crush on you but I'm with Katie and that's all that matters." We started laughing but then another boy came.

"I already shook my head no." He looked at me and said." You don't know what I was gonna say." I smiled and said ." Yes I do. You were gonna ask me to go out with you weren't you?"
He turned and walked away. I looked at Katie and Bradley and we started laughing.

"I kinda wish they'll stop. Its getting kinda annoying." We started walking to the park and we saw John. Only john wasn't by himself. He was with a blonde hair girl. My eyes started to water. Bradley noticed the girl and he tried to change the subject. We walked past both him and the girl. None of them said a word. Once I was out of Johns sight tears started spilling down my face.

Both Bradley and Katie tried to comfort me. I wondered why dose this always happen to me. Do I just fall in  love to quickly? Questions wondered my mind. I think I give my heart away to fast. And then they break it .

I sat next to a tree and they looked at me. "Why dose this always happen to me. After everything I did. I thought he really loved me. He even told he did. Then he goes with a girl. Another girl."

Tears splashing down my face. It had ruined my makeup. Then John came over. He kneeled down beside me. I pushed him away got up and ran home as fast as I could.

Once I came home I ran to my room. No one was home so I could just be alone. I cried in my pillow not knowing what to do. Suddenly I heard pebbles being thrown at my window. It stopped once I looked of the window. What's with people and throwing pebbles at my window. I thought.

Out side my window was John. "Yes." He started to climb the tree next to my window. As soon as he reaches my window his lips met with mine. I immediately pulled away. "How dare you come and kiss me like nothing happened." He looked confused. It felt like no one understands me. "I saw you with that blonde girl." His face suddenly changed. "Oh Cynthia. She's my girlfriend." My face turned bright red and it was filled with anger. I was gonna shut the window when he stopped me." I mean she was my girlfriend." This had caught my attention. "Was?" He nodded."I will tell her its over tomorrow for sure. I want to be with you Sandy." I gave him a kiss and he left.

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