bus stop

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After seeing John I flopped on my bed. I then started to wonder the words going through my head. "I'll break up with her tomorrow. And I want to be with you Sandy." My heart literally melted when he said those words.

Summer time came. John didn't stick to his word. He said she was to difficult to break up with. I of course believed him and thought he's gonna do it sooner or later.

  That morning I decided to go to the bus stop. I wanted to catch the bus to Blackpool. My old town.

  When I went down the stop it started to rain. I had forgotten my umbrella. I tried to cover the rain with my hand but didn't succeed.

A nice boy offered me his umbrella. "I'm Tony Hicks." He introduced himself." Sandra Jagger. But everyone calls me Sandy." He seemed quite nice. We started a conversation until the bus came. When it came we decided to sit next to each other. It turned out we were going to the same place.

  We had a long conversation on the bus and we turned to be good friends. "Well Tony this is my stop. I will see you later." He had stopped me in my tracks. "Could I have you number. So we could hang out some more some time." I turned to face him and gave him what he asked for.

  I got off the bus and started walking around the little town.   There was a little store that I loved going in as a kid. I've went inside and it still had the same things like before. "Sandra?" I heard a voice. I turn to see who it is. "Mr. Bushwell?" He started laughing and I went for a hug." Geez sandy you've grown so tall and very beautiful." His words made me blush. "What brings you back to little old Blackpool?" I scrolled through one ail. "Oh I just missed this place and decided to come back." My eyes widened when I thought of something." Hey Mr. Bushwell do you have any of the candy I use to buy all the time?" He gave a chuckle and went under  his desk. He pulled out a big bucket. "Two hand fulls on the house." I smiled and got two hand fulls and stuffed it in my pocket. "Say Sandy do you have a summer job yet?" I looked down at my feet. "No sir not yet." I saw a smile creep on his face. "Would you like to work here." I looked at him in excitement." Yes sir." I gave him a hug over the counter." When do I start?"

"Tomorrow. If that's OK."

"Yes sir."

I decided to stroll around the store and see if there was any cute clothes. There was many cute clothes and all was my size. I saw a beautiful painting of a woman sitting in the rain but she had flowers all around her. I looked in my pocket to see how much I had. I'm guessing he saw I didn't have enough so he said." Its fine dear you can have it for free. Part of your employ discount. He wrapped it up and I looked for more things. I bought some clothes with all the money I had.

  I saw it was getting late and decided to go to the bus stop and head home. When I had arrived I saw Tony. He smiled and motioned me over. He was very kind. He looked at my bags and I had showed him what I had bought. I felt people staring at us as if we were insane.

  "So I'm gonna be coming to this bus stop now a lot." I said. He looked at me and smiled. "And why is that?"
            "Because I may have gotten a job." He smiled and gave me a hug. I know we just met but it feels like we have known each other forever. Could I come with you to that job?" I nodded. "Yes be here by 2 tomorrow." My bus stop came and I got off. I gave Tony a quick hug and and ran with my stuff. 

I dropped the picture and ran back to get it. Then I bolted  back. When I got home it started to pour. I was lucky I made it. "Hello dear how was your day?" My mother asked. She  was fixing a plate of food for both Mick and Anna." Good."  I went up stairs to put my things down and came back down to eat.

As I sat down with my family I started to discuss my new job. "I got a job today."
My dad looked up from his plate. "That's great sweetie. Where at?" I bit my lip and then answered. "Mr. Bushwells store." He looked up from his plate again. "Mr. Bushwell is still there?" I nodded. "I start tomorrow. I'll be taking the bus." When I finished dinner I went upstairs and played my guitar. It got late and I got ready for bed. But just before I was about to fall asleep a tap was on the window. I looked out and it was a balloon. It had a piece of paper on it. It read:

            Dear sandy,
I couldn't stop thinking about you today. Your so beautiful and so gentile and sweetI'm looking forward to see you tomorrow. Your smile brought me happiness. I want to taste your lips of wine. I know I'll dream of you tonight.

His note made me blush and smile to myself.
I put it in a box just in case more will come. The next morning I got up and took a shower. I did my morning routine and went down for breakfast and see mom and the others. My dad had already left for work. I kissed my mom and sat down at my plate. I then started to think about the note that Tony had sent me. Then John crossed  my mind I haven't seen him in a while. Then I had remembered I had my new job. I looked over at the clock and realised I was late. I didn't want to miss the bus

  I then kissed my mom goodbye and waves to both Anna and Mick. I made my way to the bus  stop then my heart stopped once I saw Tony Hicks standing right there.

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