Chapter 3: Owen

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Keeping an eye on Miss Sang has proven to be more difficult than I originally thought it would be. I hadn't seen her all weekend, and now that it's Monday, I fear that my hectic schedule with the Academy will keep me further away from her.

I'm not sure what she's been up to in that decrepit house of hers, but I've seen random lights going on and off around the house all weekend.

"Owen?" Sean calls out as he let's himself into my home. "There's a light on in the house next door. Has someone moved in?" He asks from the door of my study.

I find myself in here most days now because of the clear line of view to her house. My God, I sound like a stalker. I'm only trying to make sure she's alright. Like that sounded any better.

"Owen?" Sean repeats as he steps into my line of sight. "Is everything alright?"

"Everything's fine Sean, why wouldn't it be?"

"You've been staring out that window since I walked in." He comments. "Is it the new neighbors? Have you met them? Are they villainous drug lords bent on taking over the world?" He asks with a twinkle in his eye.

"Oh come now Dr. Green, don't be so absurd." I respond flippantly while forcing myself to look away from the window.

"Well what else am I supposed to think when you don't answer my questions?" He pouts.

Really, a grown man pouting. You'd think he was still the same little boy I met all those years ago, instead of the accomplished doctor that he's become.

"You aren't supposed to think such outrageous thoughts." I respond dryly.

"Well? Have you met them? Who are they?"

"Yes, I've met them. And aside from being a bit standoffish, they seem fine."

"Well, who are they? Have you had Victor run a background check?"

"He's just a middle aged man looking for a change of scenery. And no, I haven't had Mr. Morgan run a background."

I hate lying to my best friend, but I know how he is. If I were to say there's an 18 year old girl living next door to me, nothing short of an atomic bomb would stop him from rushing over there and invading her privacy. And call it a hunch, but something tells me that the last thing Miss Sang wants, is for a flirty doctor to be on her doorstep. I'll tell the team about her soon. I just want to learn a bit more about her first.

"Oh, well, good for him." Sean comments.

"Is there a reason for your visit Sean?"

"Well of course there is! No one has heard from you since we finished the Ashley Waters Mission on Friday. Is everything alright?"

"I've told you Sean, everything is fine. I just felt that the team deserved the weekend off after such a grueling mission."

And boy was it grueling. The Principal and Vice Principal were laundering money from the school using the football team, with the help of the Coach. It took us the whole year to finally get the evidence to prove that the money was missing and where it was going. Now that we're finally out of that school, and all of our members are out of debt with the Academy, we'll all be able to breathe a bit easier.

"Well, there's a family meeting scheduled in an hour." He reminds me after a few moments. "Do you want to drive to Victor's together?"

"Sure, just let me straighten up. I'll meet you in the car."

He leaves my study with little more than a nod, leaving me with a chance to take one last look at Miss Sang's house before leaving. I hope nothing happens while I'm gone.


Hours later, after a successful meeting in which Mr. Morgan has announced his decision to move out of his house, and after Sean has left for the evening after having a good home cooked meal for once, I find myself back in my study looking toward Miss Sang's residence.

Thoughts of how she's doing, what she's doing, if she's eaten today, plague my mind until I cannot take it any longer. Standing from my chair, I walk to my kitchen, and before I can think too heavily on what I'm about to do, I put together a plate of food and reheat it before taking it over to her home.

It takes several moments after I knock for me to hear footsteps leading to the front door.

"Who is it?" She calls through the door without opening it.

"It's Mr. Blackbourne, from next door."

"Owen?" She asks in confusion.


"I've already told you, I don't need your help."

"I've merely come to offer you a plate of food. I happened to make too much and didn't want to waste it."

"Then why didn't you give it to the guy who was at your house earlier?"

She saw Sean at my house? Has she been watching for me, the same way I've been watching for her?

"Look, Owen, I'm pretty sure you mean well, and you seem like a nice guy, but really, I'm fine. I've already eaten. No harm done if you throw the food away."

"I see. And at what time did you have your last meal Miss Sang?" A heavy silence follows my question, and when I can tell she's not going to answer, I continue. "You see, the only reason I ask, is because I know that you haven't left your house all weekend. And you don't have a car, so I'm not sure when you would've been able to do some heavy food shopping that I'm sure you would need in your new home."

"I'm not sure I like what you're implying, Mr. Blackbourne." She spits my name out like venom.

"I assure you Miss Sang, that I am only trying to help."

"Well I don't need any help. Not from you, or anyone else. I've been doing just fine on my own."

"And exactly how long have you been alone?"

"That isn't any of your concern. Now please, leave."

"Alright Miss Sang, have a good night."

Before leaving her front steps, I make sure to leave the covered plate right in front of her door. I walk down her driveway and over to mine, and stand in the bushes, where I have a clear line of sight to her front door, but she can't see me.

I wait almost five minutes before I see her open the door and look down at the plate of food that I left. She looks over at my house for a moment, her expression unreadable, before picking up the plate and going back inside her house.

Miss Sang may not want help, and may be too proud to admit she needs it, but I will give it to her. Whether she likes it or not.  

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