Chapter 5: Owen

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** Sorry guys, only one chapter tonight. I didn't get much done with this story this week, but it's still worth the wait. I think anyway, although I might be biased. Thank you all for the birthday wishes, I had a great time, as is evident by only one update lol. Enjoy! **

    I’m in my office once again, like the creepy stalker I’ve become, staring at Ms. Sang’s house, when I see North Taylor’s Jeep, pull up in my driveway. She left her house about an hour ago and hasn’t returned yet.

Hopefully, she won’t return with the boys still here.

The two brothers bickering as they walk up to my door. I wait to hear the series of random knocks before going to answer, and let the boys in. They follow me into my office, suddenly silent as I take a set at my large oak wood desk.

    “I assume there’s a reason you two have come all the way over here instead of calling?” I say in my no nonsense manner.

    “Of course Mr. B,” the elder, Mr. Luke Taylor responds.

    “We wanted to talk to you about Si’s birthday,” the younger, Mr. North Taylor tells me.

    “I thought we already had all the details planned out for Mr. Korba’s birthday?” I question.

    “We do,” Mr. Taylor Jr. states. “We just wanted to do something for him after the game. A small dinner for just us.”

    “That sounds like a fine idea,” I comment. “Is that all?”

    “Well…” Mr. Taylor Sr. hedges. “The guys and I, we were wondering if you’ve given anymore thought to extending your property so that we can all be under one roof.”

    “Actually, I have Mr. Taylor.” I tell him. “Unfortunately, the house next door has already been bought so we’ll have to look for another place to start building from the ground up.”

    “Maybe we can convince them to sell,” Mr Taylor Jr. ponders aloud. “It looks like they haven’t done much too it yet. We can probably get it for less than it was originally selling for.”

    “Unfortunately, Mr.’s Taylor, I don’t believe they would be willing to sell. They seem quite...determined, to fix the house up.”

    Yes, determined is one word for that little bird. Others would be stubborn, obstinate, headstrong, uncompromising. The girl wouldn’t even let me carry her bag to her front door for pete sake! I have never met a more infuriatingly beautiful-

“Mr. B?”

I’m snapped out of my inner triade by the elder Taylor calling me.


“I asked if you met them...your new neighbor.”

“We’ve crossed paths a few times.” I answer vaguely.

“Oh, ok. Guess we’ll just look for a new place then.” The elder Taylor continues.

“Yes, I’ll coordinate with Mr. Morgan to start looking for a place soon. It would be ideal to start construction before the end of the summer.”

“Alright then, we’ll get out of your hair,” the younger Taylor comments as they get up.
“See you later Mr. B.” says the elder.

I nod to them both as they stand and leave the house. I’m give up on looking for Ms. Sang, and get to work on our finances to make sure we’re covered for the more likely option of having to build the house from the ground up.

I’m just starting on Mr. Lee’s finances, when I hear a shout from the younger Mr. Taylor.

“Hey! What the hell are you doing up there!? Get down before you hurt yourself!”

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