Chapter 16-Sang

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Walking into my foyer with the boys behind me, a feeling of calmness and peace washes over me. Almost like they're supposed to be here. It doesn't feel awkward or weird, it feels right, and that scares me more than anything. How could I possibly feel so comfortable around them when I barely know them. Some of them I only met just yesterday and have barely had a conversation with. There's gotta be something wrong with my brain, that's the only logical explanation.

Clearing my head, I step to the side to allow Silas, Nathan, and now North, to continue what they started yesterday. Kota and Owen walk into the living room to continue painting, while I give the rest of the boys a tour of the place. When we get to my room, Gabriel immediately heads straight to my closet.

"Tell me this isn't all you have?" he exclaims, eyeing my few meager possessions.

"I have enough to make a few different outfits," I defend. "I have what I need. Nothing more."

"Not for long," he grumbles back. "We're taking you shopping tomorrow so cancel your plans."

"Not happening," I grumble back.

"Actually, Gabe," Victor steps in. "She's right. Tomorrow's Saturday."

"So?" Gabriel sneers.

"So, it's Silas's birthday," Victor comments with a slight eyeroll.

"Wait," I interrupt. "Tomorrow's his birthday and he's spending the day fixing my house?"

"Yeah, so?" Luke asks from the back of my closet.

"You guys have seriously gotten your priorities messed up," I mumble.

"Maybe," Sean says happily from behind me. "Or maybe you seriously underestimate our willingness to help you Pumpkin."

Their willingness to help me. For some unknown reason and unknown motivation. People can't really be this nice, can they?

"Alright, enough pawing through my closets. There's more house to see."

After herding them out of my bedroom, I lead them down the hall, past Silas in the bathroom, and to the guest room. Here, Gabriel has many opinions on decorations and paint colors. After we finish in there, I lead them downstairs to the basement where North and Nathan are. Luke, Gabriel and Sean immediately navigate to the fire pit, discussing seating options and lighting. I stand by Victor at the base of the stairs with crossed arms, taking in everything. These boys are all so different, yet they all seem to want to help me.

"You not gonna give your opinion?" I ask Victor, with a chin lift to the others.

"I have no opinion," he says lowly. "This isn't my house and I haven't been asked to have one."

His words give me pause, causing me to direct my gaze over to him. He's looking down at me, a slight smile on his lips and a bright fire in his eyes.

"And if I were to ask your opinion?" I ask slowly.

He looks around the room thoughtfully before answering. "I'd say to put a wall up over there," he nods towards Nathan and North. "That way the laundry and the heating can be separated from the rest of this area. A sunken in couch around the fire pit would be nice, along with a flat screen on one of the walls and hidden surround sound."

"You have expensive tastes," I chuckle, looking back around the room to try and see what he described.

He shrugs before saying, "Not really. The guys can easily build a wall without too much fuss. Kota could help me figure out the surround sound. The only thing that would actually cost anything is the TV and the cushions for the couch. North and Silas can make the actual bench."

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