Chapter 18-Sang

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We all work in companionable silence, listening to the music that Gabriel plays on his phone. Listening when him and Luke sing along with some of the songs, and leaving each other to our own thoughts.

I can't believe that they're still here, and they're still wanting to help. Even after I gave them an out. Either they have absolutely no lives, which I highly doubt. I mean, come on. Look at them. OR, they really, genuinely want to help me. They all could've bailed after the prank, but they didn't. They stayed and still want to help me turn this house into a home. Maybe...maybe I should let them.

After we finish my room, the guys decide that it's time for lunch. Luke comes with me downstairs while the rest of the guys go to the kitchen to try and decide what to eat. I tried to insist on paying, but much like this morning, they weren't having it. Their reasoning being, that it would be too expensive for me to pay for food for all of us when I'm still trying to get my house together. And since I couldn't cook because the stove still wasn't installed, I graciously bowed out and left them to it.

I stop short when Luke and I get to the basement. North, Silas, and Nathan are all working with their shirts off. The back door is propped open and I can see the sweat as it drips down the muscled bodies. There's nothing but chiseled chests, ripped muscles, and cut abs. I'm afraid to check my mouth for drool, but I'm pretty sure it's there.

"You alright Cupcake?" Luke whispers in my ear. "If that's what you like to see, I can take my shirt off too."

I push my elbow back into him, and am rewarded when I hear the "oomph" from my hit. Unfortunately, this also draws the attention of the others in the room, causing them to look over at us.

"Hey," Nathan breathes out, his chest moving with each exhale. "You guys need something?"

"Um, yeah," I stutter slightly. "It's lunch time. We need you upstairs to decide what to eat."

"I could eat," Silas comments.

"That's nothing new," North chuckles. "Just give us a minute to clean up Sang Baby. We'll be right out."

I give him a slight nod before heading back up the stairs with Luke chuckling the whole way. When we get in the kitchen, his laughter causes the others to look up from their conversation.

"Why is Luke laughing like a Goddamned hyena?" Gabriel asks.

His...creative way of asking, causes me to let loose a few chuckles of my own.

"Oh, nothing," Luke says, trying to calm down. "I just think I might need to start sparring with Nathan."

This causes the rest of the guys to stare at him silently before laughing. Even Owen lets loose a few chuckles.

"You? Spar?" Gabriel speaks in between bursts of laughter. "With Nathan!? That's hilarious!"

"Hey!" Luke protests. "I can spar!"

"Yeah, but with Nathan?" Gabriel continues laughing.

"Do what with Nathan?" the man himself asks as he walks through the sliding doors with North and Silas right behind him.

"Luke wants to spar with you," Kota tells him with a small smile.

Nathan's eyes go wide as he stops in his tracks. His eyebrows shoot up to his hairline, as his mouth pops open in a silent "o". The two behind him move past him and further into the kitchen, trying to muffle their laughter behind their hands.

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