Chapter 14-Owen

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The next morning, I'm awoken by the tantalizing scent of bacon frying. I look over to the clock on my nightstand, and see that it's barely past seven.

What is that boy doing here this early?

Groaning lightly before stretching, I roll out of bed and walk to my bathroom only half awake. I'm halfway through my morning routine when I notice something odd. Looking up with my toothbrush in my hand and toothpaste in my mouth, I sniff twice and notice the light scent of lavender curling around me. I find the reason for the scent sitting on the stand over my toilet bowl, coming from an aromatherapy diffuser.

What on earth? Did Gabriel put that there when I was out yesterday?

Honestly, it's completely possible. I was so out of it yesterday after eating Sang's Cowboy Stew that it's possible that I missed it completely while getting ready for bed. I shake my head slightly before continuing to brush my teeth. Once I'm done however, I find something else out of place. My normal grey washcloth has been replaced with one that's grey with pink stripes. In fact, so has my towel.

What on earth is going on here?

Deciding to call Gabriel and give him my thoughts on his sudden urge to redecorate after I get ready for the day, I undress and take my shower. After I finish, I wrap the towel around my waist before making my way into my bedroom and getting ready for the day. The scent of freshly cooked bacon still wafts through the house as I get dressed in a pair of black slacks and a crisp white button down.

At least he left my bedroom alone. I wonder what else he chose to change without my knowledge or permission.

Once I'm fully dressed, I head downstairs to give Luke a piece of my mind first. While I have no problem with the boys coming over when they want to, having a bit of a heads up would have been nice. I stop short when I walk into the entrance of my kitchen, to not see Luke standing at the stove, but Sang once again. She looks very much at home in her white sleep shorts and oversized t-shirt.

How on earth did she get in here? I know for certain that I locked the doors after she left last night.

"Oh, good morning Owen," she smiles mischievously when she notices me standing there.

"Go- good morning? Sang, what on earth are you doing here?" I question, not moving from my spot.

"Well, last night you said that you'd want to be home when I was here. And I didn't want to wake you just to make some breakfast so I let myself in."

"So you broke into my house while I was sleeping?"

"Of course not," she scoffs. "I used the key."

"What key?"

"The one under the front mat."

"There is no key under the front mat. In fact, there is no mat!"

"Of course there is Owen. You left it there for me didn't you? Man, you must have really been out of it last night."

"I most- I'll be right back."

"I'll be here," she sing-songs.

I ignore the pleasant shiver that runs down my spine at her words, and walk for the front of my house to open the door. True to her word, there is in fact a mat in front of my door. A mat that I am certain wasn't there last night.

What the hell is happening?

I force myself not to slam my door as I walk back into the house and go directly into my guest bathroom to splash some water on my face. However, when I go to wipe down my face, I'm met with not my normal grey, but a full pink hand towel.

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