Chapter 7: Owen

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North was playing a dangerous game questioning Sang like that. She could've easily threw us off of her property or called the cops, and there would've been nothing we could do about it. This is her house. We can only be here for as long as she allows it. However, it seems like his questions struck gold. She immediately started deflecting. You only deflect when someone gets too close to the truth. And she didn't tell us to leave, she put us to work.

As soon as her back was turned, I shot him a glare that said "what the hell was that?" He just shrugged as if to say, "if worked didn't it?"

For the rest of the afternoon, we worked on the windows while keeping a mental note of anything else that looked like it could need fixing. We were finishing our last window, when Sang came around the side of the house.

"You guys want some water or something? Can't have you dying from dehydration on my property. Pretty sure I wouldn't last a day in jail."

"Baby, you wouldn't go to jail." North smirks.

"It's called negligent homicide, scowly. Look it up. Now, do you want water or not?"

I have to wonder why she continues to poke the proverbial bear. Most girls her size would either run screaming or try to jump his bones. Although, it does seem like they get a kick out of getting a rise out of the other. I'll have to keep an eye on that. Angering those two could have explosive results.

"We'd love some Sang." I reply diplomatically.

She rolls those green orbs before turning around to go back in the house. We follow her through the sliding glass doors of the dining room, and see that the tables and chairs are a little worn down. From the look in North's eyes, he's already planning on building her a whole new set. Probably with the help of Silas after his birthday.

We enter the kitchen to see her pulling two bottles of water out of a fridge that's most likely older than I am. I have to physically stop myself from saying anything when she hands us the waters. North however, has no such problems.

"Baby, what the hell is that?"

"It's called water North," she says slowly.

Interesting, she used his real name. Her fight must be wearing out.

"I would think that someone so opposed to sweets would know what water is." She grumbles before taking a seat at the breakfast nook.

"What?" he sputters. "How the hell do you know that?"

"I'm psychic." She drawls with an eye roll.

"Sang?" I ask with a raised eyebrow.

Her eyes narrow in my direction. Probably not a good idea to treat her how I would the team when wanting information. We're already on thin ice as it is.

She huffs out a breath before rolling her eyes again. "Saw you and blondie arguing in the supermarket. Although, I do agree that he should just bake a cake for this Silas guy. Saves money." She says with a shrug.

"Money isn't something we worry about Sang Baby." North tells her.

"So I've gathered," she drawls.

"And nice deflection, but I was talking about this dinosaur you call a fridge. And is that actually supposed to be an oven?"

I look towards the appliance in question and see that he's right. The items in this kitchen are ancient. They were probably left here by the original owners. I'm actually surprised that the rest of the house isn't in disrepair. The cabinet doors aren't hanging the way I thought they would after years of abandonment. However, the nails in the hinges look new. It seems like our little bird has been quite busy the past few days.

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