Chapter 4: Sang

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Confusion and aggravation are the emotions I wake up to this morning. The meal that Owen had left on my doorstep last night, consisted of meatloaf, mashed potatoes, and asparagus. The plate was still warm when I picked it up after he left. Assuming that the latest his dinner had ended was when his blonde friend left, he had to have reheated the food before bringing it over to me an hour later. Meaning, he consciously thought about bringing me food before he actually did so.

Everything I've learned from observing my insanely studious neighbor, has let me to believe that every aspect of his life is carefully planned and thought out. All except for me. Is that why he's been so fixated on me? Because I don't fit into his neat little box? Because I won't let him help me? And that's what's confusing me. Why does he continue to offer me help? I've never known anyone to go out of their way to continuously offer help to someone who rejects their assistance time and again.

And the fact that this man is constantly on my mind is extremely aggravating. What does it matter why he does what he's doing? It's no concern of mine what stuffy, perfectly handsome, intrusive, 20 something year old men do in their spare time. None at all.

Shaking my head to clear it of all thing's Owen Blackbourne, I get out of bed and walk through the house, making note of what still needs to be done. All of the rooms have been cleaned, except for the study, which has been holding all of my cleaning and paint supplies.

I walk back to my room and change into the dark clothes I've been cleaning in. After pulling my hair up into a high ponytail, I transfer everything from the study into the hall closet that leads to the laundry room.

I might have to install some shelves down there at some point for folding and detergent.

After everything is out of my way, I get to work cleaning the windows and the mantle over the fireplace. I stick my head up the chimney after I'm done, and see that it's been boarded at the top. It makes sense with how long the house was on the market, but it won't do with my needs for it. I plan on spending many nights in front of this fireplace with a good book.

The house isn't that high, so I'm pretty sure I'll be able to reach the roof on the ladder. The clock that I managed to fix and place above the study door reads 8:30am. Everyone should be at work by now, but just in case I'll start working on it after a short break.

Wiping a bit of sweat off my brow, I go to my bathroom and brush my teeth, then head into the kitchen for my menial breakfast of toast and water.

I hate that Owen was right. What little food I did manage to get at the supermarket on Friday is running dangerously low. All except for the water.

I really lucked out on that 24 bottle value pack.

And the taste of Owen's dinner last night made me crave a real meal. Maybe I can go out today and get a few more things now that the fridge is working.

Having now made a solid same plan for the next few hours, I finish up my toast and place my half finished water bottle in the fridge for when I get back. After taking a quick shower, and getting dressed in the only skirt I own, thankful that the bruises are now gone, and a pale pink short sleeved button up. After finishing off my look with my ballet flats, keeping my hair in it's ponytail, I dig in my bookbag for the cash I have stacked away. There's about $500 left from all of the shopping I did on Friday.

I'll have to see if there are any job openings while I'm in town.

I grab $100 for food and some change for the bus, slip it into my ill fitting bra, grab my keys and leave the house. I have to walk a few blocks down to get to the bus stop, but I don't have to wait long for it to arrive. Finding it mostly empty since it's part the morning rush, I find a seat close to the front and sit by the window, watching the beautiful scenery that we pass by.

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