Chapter 8

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Sam's POV:

I see her fall on that broken beer bottle. I stop my Penny Board and run to help her. Blood is dripping down her leg and I see glass scattered. The glass isn't deep in her leg, so it should be easy. I scoop her us and run to the house. I call the boys to come help. I am worried for her life. All I need to do is get the glass out. 

Bethany's POV:

Sam picks me up and brings me to the house. Blood is drippping down my leg but it's not bad. The glass isn't far into my leg so I don't think I'll need to go to the hospital. We get to the house and Sam calls all the boys to get tweasers, towels, wet cloth, and bandages. I feel like Superman just saved me.

Jc takes a wet cloth and soakes up most of the running blood. Trevor just watches in the corner and looks like he might throw up. Now the painful part. Sam has to take all of the glass pieces out of my leg. Ricky gives me a small wooden block to bite on while Sam takes the glass out. He takes out the big pieces first, which hurt like hell. Next the smaller ones that don't hurt at all, then the specks/smallest pieces that I can't even feel. Kian grabs a bag and fills it with ice. Jc and Connor clean and bandage my wound. Sam gently puts the bag of ice on it. All of the boys sit around me with worried looks on their faces. I put my head on Sam's chest and relax. 

Kian tells Andrea and she feels sorry and wish that she could help. Trevor still sits in the corner with now a shocked look on his face."Trevor, are you okay?" I ask with great concern. He shakes his head and we all look at him. He makes his way up to his room. Connor follows him up and so does Ricky and Kian. I look at Sam, "Is Trevor going to be okay?" I say. "Maybe you should talk to him and see what's going on with him." I say. "Okay, be right back." He says and runs upstairs. Ten minutes later Sam comes back down with the rest of O2L."Trevor wants to talk to you." Jc says. I nod and head up. 

I limp up the stairs, but still walking decent. I open the door and close it behind me. I see Trevor there sitting on his bed with no facial expression and looking down. He looks up and a single tear rolls down his cheek.

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