Chapter 10

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A/N: Miami will be coming with the next update. This one is just for fun... a little bit of a lead in for some things that we will hit on in later chapters. Hope you enjoy!


When Lauren woke up she was alone in bed. She stretched her arm out across the place where Camila had been laying and it was cold. She had been gone for a while. There was no sign of the diva as Lauren threw the sheets off of her and stumbled to the door, still half asleep. She stood in the doorway for a few minutes and stretched the sleep from her waking muscles.

Camila was in the kitchen making breakfast, oblivious as the photographer entered and watched her adoringly. Lauren could get used to waking up like this. She watched as the diva abandoned the food cooking on the stove and attempted to get a plate from the top cupboard but couldn't quite reach. Lauren waited a few seconds for her eyes to engrain the vision of the brunette's short blue stripped cotton shorts becoming even shorter as she stood on her tip toes before she walked over and pulled the plate down for her.

Camila jumped slightly as Lauren's arm came into view and blushed when their eyes met. "I didn't hear you come in."

"I didn't hear you wake up, so I guess we are even." Lauren quipped as she relinquished the plate and Camila returned to the stove. "How long have you been awake?"

"About twenty minutes." Camila's breath caught as she felt Lauren's strong arms snake around her waist and the photographer's hot breath on her neck. Her body reacted in another way but she was trying to ignore it for now. "You looked so peaceful that I didn't want to wake you."

Lauren placed a few slow, tender kisses to the diva's neck and shoulder before she pulled away. "Can I help you with anything?"

Camila cleared her throat to compose herself. "I saw you had some apples and bananas. Can you slice them up and add some of the grapes in your fridge? I love me some fruit."

Lauren did as she was asked but nearly cut her finger off when her eyes found their way back to Camila. "Did you sleep well?"

A smile spread across Camila's face and she nodded. "I did. Better than I have in a long time. However..."

Lauren stopped her movements and cautiously looked to the brunette. She didn't like the rising musical tone to the word. "However...?"

Camila pulled the food off of the hot burner and shut it off before she turned to face Lauren, delaying her response and putting the photographer on edge. "However, before you and I move on to the next stage of our relationship...meaning sex, of course, I am requiring that you obtain a new bed."

Lauren narrowed her eyes. "You are requiring me to get a new bed before you will have sex with me?...What if the sex was at your place?"

Camila faltered and shifted her eyes in deliberation. Obviously she hadn't thought of that. "That's not the point."

"No? Okay. Then what is?"

"Well, before I came to cook breakfast, I spent several minutes lying in bed thinking, and a rather disturbing notion popped into my mind." Lauren held back her laughter as the diva's recollections were animated by exaggerated bursting hand motions. "That is the same bed where you have had you way with over a dozen random women and your ex girlfriend."

Lauren smirked. "They weren't all on that bed." She watched as Camila's posture straightened and tensed with the rise of her jealousy. "But I see your point."

Camila dropped her eyes and played with the edge of the island countertop that separated the two women. "I'm afraid to ask if I should also be requiring you to purchase a new guest bed and couch as well..."

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