Chapter 11

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Tuesday had proven to be the couples most difficult day. Lauren was busy with Kim trying to reschedule a few things to clear up her weekend while not offending the clients and jeopardizing her reputation. Camila had rehearsals in the morning and a few interviews in the afternoon before a show that ran till late. Their phone conversations were reduced to quick texts that garnered Camila her first lie to an interviewer who asked if they were from a special someone. The brunette spent the rest of the day feeling guilty for denying Lauren.

That night, Lauren hardly slept. Partially because Camila wasn't there. The other was due to nerves. She was going back to Miami for no other reason than Camila wanted her to. She didn't want to but she wanted Camila to be happy. Not only was she terrified of meeting Camila's parents and blindsiding them with the fact she was dating their daughter, but she also feared running into her own parents. Even though she was twenty-five, successful, and happy, they would never approve of her life style. While she may not require their approval to be happy in life, she knew having them rip her apart again would still hurt. And it was more pain that she didn't need.

Then on top of that, there was a big chance that she and Camila weren't the only ones heading home for the holiday. Regrets still racked her for not keeping in contact with a few people, but she felt that she had to let go of everything that could possibly tie her to her past if she was to ever be able to move on from it. Camila was the only one she could never fully let go of. Now, she may be faced with the repercussions of her choices.

"You're being very quiet this morning." Camila noted as she shifted in her first class seat to look at the raven haired woman staring out the plane window. "I know you're not much of a morning person, but it is nine o'clock and you haven't said much of anything besides 'good morning'. Are you sure you want to come?"

Lauren looked to Camila and locked their eyes in a serious silence before she leaned over and kissed her on the cheek, not caring if anyone saw. "I want to go. I am going. I'm just a little nervous."

A light smile pulled at the corners of Camila's mouth in response to the lingering feeling of her girlfriend's lips on her cheek. "I would like to cast my vote in favor of coming out when we arrive back in New York."

Lauren smiled adoringly. "You can't vote yet. We haven't even made it to Miami. Though I do love you enthusiasm, lets stick with our plan and vote when we get back."

Camila sighed in her vexation. "Fine, but don't expect my opinion to change," And faced forward again.

Lauren's smile of adoration never lessened as she moved her eyes over the diva's profile, soaking in every detail. She couldn't help herself anymore. She lifted her left hand to the brunette's shoulder and lightly brushed her fingers over Camila's cheek. "I love you. I know you don't feel the same, and I understand. I just needed to say it."

Camila's eyes were glued to the magazine in her lap but Lauren knew she wasn't reading it. Her attention was on Lauren's soft touch. "I care more for you than you think."


"There's my baby girl!" Lauren smiled broadly as Camila dropped her bag and ran to Sinu, throwing herself into her arms. The raven haired reached down and picked up the bag, venturing on.

"And you must be Lauren," Alejandro met her with a hand shake and a warm smile while his daughter was preoccupied in his wife's spinning embrace. "It's a pleasure to meet you."

No frowns of cold shoulders. That's a good start. "Thank you for having me. I know it was a little last minute and I hate to be a burden."

"Oh, nonsense." Sinu cut into the conversation as she finally allowed Camila to greet her father. "We love extra company. The house still feels empty without Camila and her double wide personality filling every nook and cranny." Lauren's eyes widened as Sinu bypassed a hand shake and wrapped her arms around her in a hug. "Here, let me get your bag."

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