Chapter 82

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A/N: More of everything coming up. More banter. More fluff. More Camren. More Kim and Adrianne. More sexytimes (without being overkill).

So, yeah. You all are awesome with your comments and your reading. It's amazing.


"It was a lovely wedding," Marie stated from the back seat of Adrianne's car. "And they are genuinely happy. That's all I can ask. And that Camila doesn't hurt Lauren."

Kim laughed lightly. "I don't think that's really a possibility. Or isn't probable I should say. And you did very well." She added, patting her hand on Adrianne's thigh as the older woman drove. "I took a peek at some of the photos on the camera and they look wonderful."

The apprentice beamed with pride at the compliment. "Thank you. That really means a lot because when the day first started, I had no clue what I needed to do. I was just running from point A to point C and then remembered about point B." She joked. "I even freaked out right when Lauren was about to walk down the aisle because I forgot to check the memory card and I swear to God that I don't remember putting it in there. I have a distinct memory of clearing the card off and setting it down by the computer, but not one of picking it back up."

"Clearly you did though." Marie tried to ease her daughter's returning anxiety.

Adrianne smiled back at her in the rearview mirror before looking to Kim. She caught something in the younger woman's eyes before the assistant turn away to look out the front window. "Kim..."


The apprentice looked to the road and then back at her girlfriend. "You put it in the camera, didn't you?"

The younger woman tucked her head between her shoulders. "You had a lot on your mind. I thought I would help out. I also had a spare one in my purse in case you filled that one up."

The apprentice smiled at the side of the blushing assistant's face before dropping her hand to Kim's that was still on her leg. Adrianne lifted it to her lips and kissed it. "What would I do without you?"

"I don't know, but I'm not really wanting to find out so can you please watch the road." Kim urged with growing excitement in her voice and Adrianne swerved the car back into her lane.


Marie let out a sigh from the back seat and straightened her seat belt. "My God in Heaven, where did you learn to drive? So, now not only do you owe Kim for saving you with the camera chip thing, but for saving all of our lives as well. She's quite useful." The older woman informed Adrianne, scolding her in the mirror. "And she cooks." She added for good measure.

"Sounds like you approve."

"She hasn't given me a reason to disapprove. I was a little reluctant at first because you seem very docile." Marie stated, addressing Kim so she didn't feel out of place. "However, while your mannerisms are tame, you approach is firm. You allow Adrianne to bounce around impulsively like she does without feeding into it, but you can put your foot down as well. That's a trick I've never seen anyone do before."

Kim smiled and squeezed Adrianne's hand as they rested against the center console. "You have no idea how glad I am to hear you say that."

"Me too." The apprentice added, looking into the rearview mirror quickly. "Because I thought I should tell you that next time you come to visit, it won't be in my same apartment."

"You're moving again?"

Adrianne nodded. "Kim and I are moving into a two-bedroom in her building."

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