Chapter 101

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A/N: I want to take a moment and just say how amazing you all are. I know I say that a lot, but this time it isn't just for reading and the comments. It's for those of you who have sent me those personal messages about how much this story has touched you in your real lives, those of you who have gotten tattoos even. So, truly, thank you.

I'm done being mushy now. I could go on and on, but I know some of you would rather not read it. Thank you and enjoy. Also, because you keep asking for it, in future chapters, you will be getting a bit more Adrianne & Kim. Everything will pick up the pace once the little ones arrive.


Lauren sat on the side of the bed at their rented cabin and looked out the window. They were on top of a tall hill and she could see out for a few miles. It would be the perfect place to take the picture she was looking for.

"Are you okay?"

The raven-haired slowly turned to see Camila standing in the doorway, looking at her with concern on her face. She nodded her head with a slight smile. "I don't know why, but I feel completely different here. I think it's because there's no stress of the real world, you know? Like on our honeymoon. Everything just moves as it pleases and not any sooner."

"I'm glad you approve."

"...Hey Camila?"


"Can we cuddle?"

The brunette laughed lightly and smiled, moving to the bed. Like she would ever deny her wife some cuddle time. "Of course we can. That's like, one of my most favorite things in the world." Camila laid in the middle of the bed on her back and Lauren slowly rolled over to rest her head on her shoulder.

"Is my belly hurting you?" Lauren asked, concerned that the weight of a good portion of her stomach was resting on Camila's side.

"Not at all. In fact, I want you a little closer." She pulled gently, helping Lauren wiggle over a little bit more until she was laying close to how they use to. Camila's arm that Lauren was laying on was now running soft fingers over Lauren's arm while the other hand was resting on the baby bump. They laid there in a comforting silence for several minutes until Camila thought that perhaps Lauren had fallen asleep.

"What about..." The raven-haired started questioningly, catching Camila slightly off guard. "What about Julian Alexander Jauregui?"

Camila thought about it as her eyes shifted over the wood planks of the ceiling without actually seeing them. "I like it. Julian is... regal almost. It's a mature name but gentle at the same time. Alexander gives it that masculine edge as well. Julian Alexander... I think we have our first name."

"Only took us six months." Lauren joked lightly, soaking up the closeness to her wife. She nuzzled a little further into her neck and kissed it lightly. She loved these days. When she didn't have anywhere to be and neither did Camila. They could just lay there, content in each other's presence. It took her back to one of their first nights together with the whole ACLU blow up. Lauren had been so emotionally damaged by letting Camila down but just spending the rest of the night in Camila's arms healed her. It was the same now. All of the worries and stress that seemed to be piling up, even if it was only building up in her eyes, seemed to just disappear at that very moment.

"To be fair, we didn't start searching for a name until we found out the gender."

"That's when we officially started looking, but you and I both know we were thinking about it from that day we spent in the park while we were in Miami for Thanksgiving so I could meet your parents." Camila smiled widely at the ceiling. Lauren was right. As soon as they mentioned marriage and kids in a general conversation, the work was put into motion.

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