1D Fanfiction

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Today we will be talking about fanfictions written for the band One Direction.

*horrified screams in the distance*

Oh dear god, Wattpad has been completely taken over by these! I actually know people who have left Wattpad because of them. I mean, granted, pretty much everyone in my group of friends has left this website at some point, but still. STILL.

Now I'm not saying the guys are bad, or that their music sucks-though it's not really my thing, to be honest. And yes I know if I were a fan they wouldn't bother me as much and so on but I'm not a huge fan and therefore they bug the crap out of me. What I'm talking about today are strictly the fanfictions with horrible writing that reside under the fanfic category.

And the werewolf category.

And vampire.

And teen fiction.

And non fiction.

And every other category on this site. Ugh! I mean come on. Let's be honest. Out of the ones I've seen on this site, anyway, they kind of suck. I at least haven't read one where the grammar was acceptable and the plot was okay.

Which brings me to my next point. Plot.

It seems like this stands not only for 1D books, but for a lot of fanfiction on Wattpad: all the books are carbon copies of each other. The plots the same, the characters are too similar for my taste, and overall they just lack originality. It drives me nuts because then the one with beautiful writing and amazing plot never get read? Even though they're the ones that deserve to be?? Like, what???

Also; why are so many of the books centered around the band adopting the MC? When the MC is like, 16-18??

Because if you're 18 then you aren't in foster care anyway. And while I'm no Directioner, I'm pretty sure they boys are in their twenties. (Yep, I just looked it up and none of them are even over twenty five, according to what I read.)

So what the fuck would a twenty-something year old boy want with a 17 year old girl?

Just sayin'.

But yeah, 1D fanfics just aren't my thing I guess. There are frankly waaaay too many and so many are so badly written with such awful plots and characters that I've just been turned against the entire idea to be honest. Besides, I'd take Harry Potter over Harry Styles any day.

So what do you think? Do you like 1D fanfiction, or do they bug you as well? Or are you in the fandom but hate the fanfiction? Or if you have a book that's actually good and you'd like to defend its honor, leave a comment down below. See you guys next time!

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