Chapter 20 I spy with my little eyes

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Thank you so much for the fan art, Numboreous,

Thank you, everyone for all the art and support. Though sorry for accidentally risen your hope.

Sleep deprived writing saga continue. >//w//<

This time with a longer chapter. Hopefully, all of the parts are here and make sense. My wattpad is acting a bit with replaced version due to my internet connection is being terrible right now.  ^ ^ ; It finish though, but I will do more editing again soon.

I hope you enjoy.


I accidentally did it again. So link is here as well me posting it along on the bottom if you don't want it to load.

Chapter 21 Preview:


As Halloween went on its merry way, along with some interesting rumors; which was funny to hear the woe of my classmates and Evan's distaste on that matter. School life slams in full force. Instead of a nice, relax weekends I was scramming for midterms. I wish I could play some Second Life or sleep right now. Damnit. Sleeping in is good for the soul.

Gods. I truly hate Monday.

It's the bane of my existence.

Similar to other things set out to get me.

No matter how, where, or when it's always me. Me! The ones that get sh!t on. It's like there's a sh!t memo that has my fucking name on it...Or a big note on my back that says 'kill me.' I bet that damn monkey places my name there, on purpose.

I'm positive, knowing him.

Somehow, our routine went back to normal as much as it was normal, regardless, the tension rising between that bastard and I, knowing he is waiting the right moment. I can feel it in my bones. Still, though, I rather not take the chances. At all. Or deal with the noisy gang involving themselves into this. No, thank you.

Another silent yawn escape as I watch Evan chatting animated among the students, when he's not watching me, my phone unsheathe from books. Slowly, my eyes draw onto the texts.

Mini: so...

Delirious: so what?

Cartnooz: what?

Nolga: what we doing?

Wildcat: something

Mini: really now

A quick peak to confirm Evan still chatting, occasionally he glances at his books. Carefully, I peek at my phone then a wary glance at Evan, seeing him is still busy, I look down again.

Vanoss: settle down children

Delirious: shut up

Cartno0z: you cant tell us what to do

Lui: lol

Wildcat: he called you guys children. lol

Lui: you are one too

Cartno0z: we're all children

Wildcat: shut the fuck up

Vanoss: lol

Nolga: ha

Delirious: lol

A quick peeks over my shoulder.

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