I Smile Now

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I've been so busy these past weeks, I know it sounds pathetic, but it's crazy, coursework seems to be controlling my life at the moment. Anyway, I wrote this not too long ago when I was getting more positive about things and thought I'd finally beat everything...

You know I used to think I didn't feel,

Crazy I know,

That the only emotion I had was one of loneliness, anger and fear all combined into one,

Now I smile, 

I laugh,

Actually genuinely smile,

Nothing fake,

But then there are days when things happen,

I get angry an frustrated,

I used to snap,

Cope with it wrongly,

I don't anymore,

I've got a clean slate,

Have had for a while,

But there's still fear there,

A fear,

A fear that I may 'snap' soon,

It's been hard not to,

It enters my mind,

And no matter how hard I try it stays there,

Doesn't leave,

I wish it would,

I haven't ha to fight the urge for a while now,

But it's there again,

The one thing I fear the most,

Is that I'll give in,

Cave in,

Go back to it,

And that I'll be stuck in that vicious circle,

Just stuck there once again,

It ruined me once,

I don't want that to happen again

Welcome to my life and my thoughts. Poems book 2.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن