Each word

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My life has literally been taken over these ast couple of months. It's amazing how in a short time so many things can happen. For me, finding that one person. Losing that best friend you've known since forever. Losing a family member. Meeting new people. Getting pressured to do well in exams. Hours spent crammng information into my head for revision - like I said, a lot. But in these months, I myself have changed along with many others I know. Even small things like my handwriting's changed. How happy I've become, but still have my down days. Just everything. I thank one person for that. 

This one like many others speaks for itself.

Every word you say to me,

I want to write down,

You always know what to say,

You always care what I have to say,

I don't deserve you,

You deserve someone better, 

I wish I couldd be with you forever,

But I know that's not possible,

You'll find someone perfect for you,

That perosn won't be me,

I'll always love you [bear],

Whether you love me back or not,

You have no idea how happy you've made me,

How you make me smile,

How you make me laugh,

And how you make me feel beautiful and loved,

I hope I make you happy,

All I want is for you to be happy<3

I think I've fallen hopelessly in love.

Welcome to my life and my thoughts. Poems book 2.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt