Nearly through

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These past few months I feel like I've been through hell and back if I'm honest. It might not be much compared to other things happening in the world, but to me it feels like this. 

I wrote this at a time of hardship, where I wasn't sure I'd make it through, when I thought I could end it all.

I could end everything now if I wanted,

End it all,

With one swipe of a blide, 

Or one jump,

If I wanted to,

I could,

This is my reassurance,

I want to be able to wake up and not dread the day,

i want to be able to smile and actually feel happy,

Rather than put on a fake smile and a brave face,

I've stayed strong all this time,

I don't think I can anymore,

I don't see the point anymore,

I feel like I'm back where I was a few years ago,

I don't know anymore,

Why can't it end?

Why can't I be back how I used to be?

I guess it is true,

"The only thing promised in life is death",

I may not be ready for that promise yet,

But I can't help it being in my mind,

At least I know that I'm like this,

And know what is wrong with me,

I just want to get better,

Get through it,

Hopefully it'll make me stronger.

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