Chapter 6

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There was something unusual about walking through Beacon at night. It was as if it was a completely different place without the halls filled with the commotion of students rushing to and from class. In some ways the emptiness reminded you of the dreams you had, only this time you knew you it wasn't going to end like those dreams. Still, despite this added sense of security, you carried your weapon out in shotgun mode, even though you didn't have to.

"I wish Velvet was here." you groaned.

It wasn't too long before you reached your destination, Glynda's class once again. Earlier she had come to your room to request that you head down there late at night. When you entered Glynda was already present alongside Ozpin and Ironwood, who was standing by the same cage from Professor Port's class earlier. Some rustling from inside the cage indicated that the Boarbatusk was still inside.

"(y/n)." Ozpin greeted. "I'm sorry for having to drag you down here at this time. I'm sure you would rather be in bed right now, but there were other things we had to see too earlier and this was the best time we could manage."

"For what?" you asked.

"We heard about everything that happened earlier today and wanted to see for ourselves." Ironwood replied.

"I guess that's why the cage is here." you commented.

"Correct." Ozpin replied. "But that's not the only thing."

"Of course, it isn't."

"We want to properly unlock your semblance."

"No!" you protested. "No way am I going through that again."

"I know you're probably reluctant to do this (y/n)." Ironwood tried to reassure.

"You're damn right! I don't know if you've ever had your body feel like it's being stretched, but I can tell you it's not a very pleasant experience."

"But once you unlock it properly you'll never go through it again." Ironwood continued.

"And you know this how?"

"We sent another small group to where you were found, and they discovered this."

Ironwood produced a small device from his pocket and played a recording on it. Anger resurfaced once you heard the unmistakable voice of Bakker. It began with a physical description of you leading on to a description of the drugs you were injected with as well as the tests carried out; nothing you didn't already know. However what it described next caught your attention.

"...All three previous test subjects described experiencing great pain during their first transformation; this however doesn't seem to occur with subsequent transformations. I have no reason to suspect that the Tyrants process will be any different. Something to note is that the transformation seems to unlock much faster during combat. Subject Horridus in particular unlocked hers much faster than the others, erupting in a brilliant surge of lightning when forced to confront an Ursa. To unlock the Tyrant, I plan to have him face the smaller of the Saharicus, or 'Razor Teeth', as some of the security personnel have taken to calling them. For my first attempt at creating a species of grimm they are both remarkable specimens, something the goddess herself would find impressive. One should be more than enough for the Tyrant to conquer."

The recording ended after that.

"What does he mean by goddess?" you asked.

"That is something we'll explain to you another time." Ozpin replied.

"Not exactly helping me with trusting you." you muttered underneath your breath before speaking up. "How are you gonna go about unlocking it?

"We'll take you out to the Emerald Forest in a moment." Glynda replied. "Professor port has captured an Ursa for you to face."

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