Chapter 2: I Smell Trouble

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"Sorry i'm late class, I just had to sort a student out" Ezra said in front of the class, me and Spencer carefully waited outside so it wasn't obvious that he was sorting me out.
"Aria, why did you do that?" Mike my brother bellowed at me, in the middle of the cafeteria.
"Do what?" I replied extremely confused.
"You got it on with Connor last night!" He shouted back.
"What? Who told you that?" I stood up, everyone's eyes were on us.
"Who do you think?" I pushed past Mike and stormed down the corridor. Ezra was talking to a student, great the last person I wanted to see. We had had a fall out.

"She can't get enough can she?" Ben sniggered.
"Aria, whats up?" Connor laughed.
"Whats up? You've told everyone that I kissed you. But no you kissed me and I pushed you off!" I replied shouting.
"Don't play the innocent virgin act with me, Mrs Fitz" Connor laughed turning to his friends which made them join in.
"What?" I replied, wondering what he meant.
"Aria, everyone knows you and Mr Fitz weren't just scrabble partners" Connor sniggered.
"Excuse me?"
"How many points for the word slut?" Connor laughed.
As I turned to leave, stood behind me was Ezra. Great.
"Miss Montgomery, you shouldn't be in the boys locker room" I pushed past him and made my way to the now empty corridors. "Aria!" Ezra ran behind me.
"What do you want?" I stopped at the top of the stairs.
"Aria don't listen to the rumours"
"Rumours Ezra? Rumours!? They are true!" I carried on walking.
"They don't know that?" Ezra replied grabbing my arm.
"Please get off me, I can fight my own battles"


Everyone knew that me and Ezra dated, or had sex. So we had to dispel the true rumours. Basically, don't get seen together, don't talk to each other, don't look at each other and mostly don't smell like each other! The last one is a bit hard to stop doing, cos as soon as he hugs me, I smell like aftershave, and when I try and cover it up, I smell too strong of perfume. Its a win win situation.
"Sorry i'm late, Mr Fitz" I walked in with Spencer carefully behind me.
"Aria, Spencer you're 30 minuets late, where have you girls been?"
"We was in the ladies, sorry we took so long" Spencer continued.
"You'll have to stay behind after class and catch up on what you've missed" Ezra continued
"Aria would like that wouldn't she?" Noel sniggered, making the whole class crack up except me, Ezra, Hanna, Emily and Spencer.
"Noel, do you want to stay back too?" Ezra raised his voice.
"No wouldn't want to get in the way between you and Aria" again making the whole class erupt in laughter again.
"Noel! That's it principles office now!" Ezra walked over to Noel and waited still he stood up before walking him down the long corridor to the dreaded office.

Liar Liar [Pretty Little Liars-Aria/Ezra]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon