Chapter 9: Trust?

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Pulling up to the apartment block that Ezra lived in was thrilling, I felt naughty. Lying to my parents made me feel free. I dragged my bags out of the back and dragged them yet again to the door, letting myself in I climbed up the stairs to 3B. Ezra answered (well he was the only one living there). He scooped up my flowery clothes bag while his lips pressed onto mine. A smile appeared on my face like it was my first kiss as a teenager and all you could do was smile afterwards.

On Ezra's bed were my bags, I was deciding if I should empty them and steel some of his closet space or leave them to get crumpled in my bags so I stole some closet space. Afterwards we laid on the sofa entangled in each others limbs. "We should go to the cabin after our date tomorrow night, just put our pyjamas in the car before hand" he suggested. I nodded agreeing with the idea of the cabin. Going there felt like A couldn't get to me or Ezra, it felt like our relationship was secure there.

Friday night was spent watching black and white films cuddling and chatting about what we were going to do after I graduate. Watching black and films always reminded me of that time me and Jake watched one together and he fell asleep, I laughed at the thought and at how I fell for him. He once told me Ezra was the one I should be worried about. Oh how could he be so wrong? Ezra wouldn't do anything to hurt me, would he?

Around midnight my phone started ringing, my hand reached over Ezra's sleeping body. Spencer. What did she want at this time on a morning?
"Aria, I know who A is!" She screamed down the phone.
"What?" I replied while turning 'Americas next to model's volume down.
"Its Ezra"
"What?" I started laughing and watched Ezra's chest raise and then go back down again.
"Aria, where are you?"
"At home" I lied.
"Your with him aren't you"
"He's sleeping"
"I know your with him, I can see your car"
"What your downstairs?" I ran over to the window and saw spencer there with her phone in her hand.
"Come down, let me talk to you please Aria"
"Your accusing my boyfriend of trying to kill me, highly doubt it!"
"Just come down!"
I pulled on Ezra's grey hoodie and my boots and ran down the stairs. "Ok I'm coming" I replied before hanging up.

Spencer ran up and hugged me. "I don't want to believe it too, but i was reading Ali's diary and I went to this pub, In her diary she said she went to it with an older boy. Ezra was there and he left in a hurry after he saw me. The waitress handed me his ordered drink. Board shorts ale. I then went online and googled his name. Up came loads of competitions he'd entered so I scrolled down. 'Ravenswood apartment' A's lair Aria." She explained. I stood opposite her, gobsmacked not believing anything that was coming out of her mouth. "Aria...i'm sorry" A tear fell off her cheek.
"You're lying. You are lying. Spencer your lying! Why are you lying to me!" I yelled.
"Aria, turn around"
I turned around, there stood behind me was Ezra. "Aria, I didn't want you to find out like this" he explained.
"Is this some sort of sick joke. If it is please stop." I cried, tears now flowing out of my eyes.
"No" spencer replied. "I really hope it is a joke you set up Ezra" Spencer now had a few tears trickling down her cheeks.
"Listen i'm not who you think i am-" he placed his hand on my shoulder.
"SHUT THE FUCK UP AND LEAVE ME ALONE!" I screamed, and pulled away.
"Aria listen-" he started again.
"NO EZRA I THOUGHT YOU LOVED ME!" Tears were running, like a never ending river.
"ARIA JUST STOP SHOUTING AND LISTEN TO ME FOR FUCKS SAKE!" He yelled back. I shut up. "Thank you, ok..i'm not A, i'm a journalist. I was following a teenage girl. Which happened to be Alison Dilaurentis. She went missing but I carried on with her story. She told me about her friends. You 4. Artistic Aria with her pink stripes, which have now disappeared" he ran his fingers through my hair, which for some reason I let him do. "Smart Spencer, Emily, who was Ali's favourite. She told me that they had a connection. Then hefty Hanna. Who isn't too hefty anymore. Anyway I dated Alison, I fell for her she didn't tell me she was 15, she told me she went to Hollis. I only realised her age when she went missing. I found out she was alive so i continued her story. However when I met you in that bar Aria, I thought it would be amazing to befriend one of Alison's best friends. You was the first one I saw. That is also why I applied as a teacher. I knew you all attended that school. I found out Ali was alive the same time you did, on halloween."
"I WAS AN EXPERIMENT!" I had a fist clenched ready to punch Ezra, I thought them karate lessons had finally paid off until Spencer hooked her arms around me so I couldn't pounce on the man I trusted with my life.
"You were, I didn't mean to fall for you. But I did, that time you came to my apartment after your moms art gallery. I fell in love with you." He truthfully told us. Tears of anger dripped off my chin into my hair and onto Ezra's jumper.
"I..I trusted you" I whispered before falling to my knee's,
"Aria I love you" Ezra crouched down beside me and wrapped his arms around my neck and nuzzled his face into my hair. I threw my arms around him back and just cried.
"I love you too, I just...don't like you anymore" I stood up and got hold of Spencer's hand. "I'll come for my stuff tomorrow or something" I snuffled.
"Come on, your sleeping at mine. I'll make you some tea and you can go to sleep. Tomorrow's a new day sweetie" Spencer smiled and pulled me into a hug while we was walking away from Ezra, he was still crouched on the floor with his head in his hands. He was crying, looking at him broke my heart. Our love was complete bullshit to him.

We drove to Spencer's in her car, I couldn't risk driving in the state I was in. We climbed up the stairs and she threw me some clean pyjamas to put on, then she tucked me in bed while she made us tea downstairs. A faint song came threw her speakers to break the silence, my phone buzzed at a time I desperately didn't need or want to talk to someone. It was in Ezra's grey hoodie pocket which was on the floor after I threw it there when I took it off, i climbed out of her bed and crawled and got it.
'Poor Aria. Ezra isn't A, Spencer was so sure bless her. Aria is heartbroken, 1 down 3 to go. Bye bye Mr Fitz. Kisses Always A xoxo'
My phone flew through the air across Spencer's room just as she walked in holding two mugs which were steaming with boiling water.
"Whats up?" Spencer cried while running over to the bed to put the hot mugs on her side table before squeezing me tight.
" the text" I replied, my voice muffled from Spencer's shoulder blade pressing against my throat. Spencer picked up my, now smashed, cell phone.
"Oh my gosh" she gasped. "Come here" she pulled me into another hug, which made my tears stream faster. "Lets get some sleep then we can go and beat him up tomorrow, how does that sound" she giggled. I wiped my face and then nodded. She always makes me feel better, well it wasn't her fault about Ezra. She may of thought Ezra was A but in some ways it was good she told me and Ezra heard. Otherwise i'd never know I was an experiment.

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