Chapter 15: I'm sorry...

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We all crowded round the body on the floor. A bullet entered her chest and went straight through and hit the stain glass behind to cause a shatter. There was no doubt about it. She was dead.
"What are we going to do?" I gasped, holding my dead best friends hand. I didn't wait for anyone the reply before getting out my phone and ringing 911. "I need an ambulance, gun shot wound to the chest at rosewood church, please come quick."
"See how easy it is for me to kill you, bye for now girls" A ran out of the church, leaving 4 of us hovering over the corpse.
"Oh my god" Emily held her other hand and started crying. "It's my fault, its all my fault" she cried.
"Emily shhh, please its not your fault" I replied swallowing the lump in my throat.
Her hair laid on the floor, dyed a sort of reddish colour from the blood, pouring out of the wound on her back. Her eyes were still open, glistening from the moonlight streaming in through the church windows.

A siren came from outside, then another, then another. Paramedics ran in closely followed by police men. Her body was placed on a stretcher and rolled to the ambulance the paramedics placed an oxygen mask on her face before putting her in the back of the vehicle and driving off. A police officer came towards us.
"Girls we need to question you about what happened after you visit your friend in hospital."
"Ok"Emily replied, her voice still shaken up.
We climbed into my car and drove to the local hospital. We sat in the waiting room for what felt like eternity before our parents showed up. My mom walked in with my dad and my brother and they sat down beside me. "Aria are you okay?" My mom asked while putting her arm around my shoulder, i looked straight ahead ignoring her every word, concentrating on the television that was on in the corner.
'Breaking news, a murder in Rosewood?' Flashed up on the screen.
"A murder was reported by 4 girls just hours ago after illegibly getting attacked by a masked figure. Witnesses said they heard a gun shot before a masked figure fled the scene. More later' a news reporter explained.
"They don't know shes dead" I muttered.
"What?" My dad replied.
"She might not be dead you know." I answered louder.
"Aria she got shot in the chest"
"People come through"
"Maybe not in this case" Mike replied.

A few doctors came through the door to the intensive care unit. We all stood up waiting to hear the potential worst news a teenager could receive.
"I'm so sorry, your friend didn't make it, the damage to her chest and blood loss was too catastrophic to fix" time felt like it was sticking forever. My body shut down, i ignored his words and repeated to myself over and over that she was fine. That my best friend wasn't dead that it was an awful joke she pulled on us and that she was going to walk through those doors now and just laugh and smile and say 'it was just a joke! You should of seen your faces'.

But it wasn't my best friend wasn't here anymore. How could I possibly live like that?



Well we know Aria and Emily aren't dead, who is it? ;)

{Next update at 4K😘}

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