Chapter 5: Fine?

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"Aria, are you ok?" Ezra was stood over me.

"Ezra? Where am I?"

"You're at the hospital, are you ok?" He placed his hand on my cheek.

"What happened?" I tried sitting up, all I saw was a sheet covering me which was covered in blood.

"You were drunk and crashed your car, Aria how did you even get served?"

The memories from the bar flashed before my eyes.

"Aria?" It was my mom and dad rushing towards me.

"Ezra I think you should leave" My dad sternly said when he reached my bed side. Ezra picked up his bag and walked off. "Did he do this to you? Did he get you drunk and made you drive?"

"What? No I was in a bar alone and got drunk myself" I tried sitting up again.

"No please stay laying down Aria." Mom pushed me back down.

"Why? Is it really bad? I cant feel my leg"

* * *

"Aria, are you alright?" I was laying on Ezra's lap in his apartment. "Did you have another nightmare? I thought you said they stopped?" He placed down his book and kissed me.

"I'm fine, i had a dream I got drunk and crashed my car, and cheated on you" I started to catch my breath back.

"No your fine" he let out a little chuckle. " you was here at about 4? Sat watching films waiting for me to come home then we had dinner and you fell asleep here" he explained.

"Oh, good" I smiled. "What time is it?" I asked alarmed.

"9, what time did you have to be home?"

"Oh, it doesn't matter" I picked up my phone and texted Ella *sleeping at Emily's speak to you later* "can I stay here?" I asked Ezra.

"Sure you can" he smiled leaning down to kiss me on the forehead. "Lets get into bed and watch tv, comfier than the sofa" he picked me up and placed me on his bed, gently taking my outfit off from the day. He threw one of his shirts at me and I quickly pulled it over my head then watched Ezra struggle to get his jeans off. He quickly climbed into bed before the cold could catch him. I moved closer to him and rested my head on his chest as we both laid in silence watching some documentary about fast foods. After it finished we both got books out and read side by side in silence. Our feet fighting under the comforter on top of us. I placed my book on his bed side table and curled up next to him, ready to fall asleep. His body heat was keeping me warm so I curled myself up closer to him until he chuckled and put his book down them turned the light off and grabbed hold of me under the sheets. Making me giggle and squirm around.

6am. Ezra's alarm went off. Symbolising to get ready for school/work. I woke up and put the coffee machine on.

"I wish I could wake up to you every morning" Ezra smiled while his arms were around me, his bare chest pressing against my back.

"I wish I could wake up to this every morning" I smiled and turned around so we were hugging.

"Morning" He leant down and pressed his lips against mine.

"Morning Mr Fitz, what would you like for breakfast? We have pop tarts, toast, cereal or fried eggs?"

"Hm surprise me" He smiled while pouring us both a cup of coffee before taking a seat at his breakfast bar. I put some pop tarts and toast in the toaster and got two plates out.

After breakfast the time was 6:57 and we both weren't ready. Ezra got in the shower while i put on my clothes from the day before. I had to call home and get changed. He quickly got dry and put a shirt and tie on then picked up his briefcase. Before we both headed out of the door and climbed into Ezra's car.

"Come in, my mum and dad have already set off since theres no cars in the drive" I smiled while climbing out of Ezra's car.

"Alright" he smiled before climbing out as well.

We ran up to my room laughing for no apparent reason. I pulled out an orange skater skirt and a white t-shirt with frills down the front. I got changed while ezra sat on my bed reading. I put makeup on and curled my hair in the space of 30 minutes. We headed out of the door again to Ezra's car. It was Friday, so I was planning on sleeping at Ezra's tonight and saturday night.

"Bye, see you forth period" I kissed him and got out of the car to meet Hanna to walk to French. I waved as he drove off to the staff car park.

I ran to hanna she was talking to Mona, she saw me and walked up to me and we hugged. We walked away from Mona and made our way to first period.

"Where was you last night? And why did you get called twice to the office?" Hanna asked while we waited outside for Miss Hammond, our french teacher, to open the door.

"Tell you all together tonight Han, its a long story and I don't want anyone else to hear it. But its not anything to worry about." I smiled to reassure her that I was fine.

"Can't tell me anything? Im good at keeping secrets, remember?" She smiled a cheesy grin.


"I CAN SEE YOU!" Alison screamed while running over to the window of Emily's bedroom.

"What did you see Alison?" Emily whispered, shocked about her friends outburst.

"It was that perv Toby Cavanaugh, I bet he saw us all naked!" Alison protested.

"Ali are you sure?" I whispered.

"Of course I am Aria! I have an idea" Alison replied.

"Ali I don't think this is a good idea" Spencer truthfully said. She was kind of speaking for all of us, I think we all didn't want to throw a stink bomb into Toby's barn.

"Course it is! We need to show him that its not alright to watch us get changed, come on Em you agree right?"Ali whispered. She asked Emily because Emily was Ali's best friend they had a connection that the rest of us didn't have.

"Yes I guess" Emily replied uncertainly.

"Ok, you wait here" Ali walked over to the door and creaked it open, her jaw dropped and she threw it in and ran. "RUN!"

We did what we was told and as soon as we got to the drive there was a massive explosion sort of movie like. We all screamed and ran across the road back to Emily's house and hid. Ambulances came, police came and the fire services. Alison stood up from our hiding spot behind a bush and got hold of Toby's arm. I couldn't make out what they were saying just that Ali was shouting at him before she walked back to us and ducked behind the bush again.

"Ali, what did you see?" Hanna whispered.

"It doesn't matter Hefty Hanna" she hissed.

"What did toby say?" Spencer asked.

"Jenna was in there too...she got hit by the stink bomb...toby's taking the blame." Ali replied, just after Jenna Marshals was on a stretcher getting rolled into an ambulance, she had an eye pad over her face. Blood was seeping through the bandage.

"Ali..." Emily whispered.

"Em like I said Toby's taking the blame, no need to worry...don't tell anyone ever!" She snapped at us all. We all nodded in sync. What else were we to do?


The Jenna thing. We kept that secret for years. Hanna was right she knew how to keep secrets.

"Han, the first time I got called was about my english work, I got a high grade thats all" I smiled before I hooked her arm with mine to walk into French. It flew by, it always does on a friday, next we had Maths, I was with Emily. Hanna was the lower set and obviously Spencer was in the set above.

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