Chapter 7: Mr Fitz!

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Lunch was my favourite part of the day. 1 hour of no work, unless there is homework you haven't done thats due in for next period. But next period was English and I'm sure to hand my homework in on time. Noel got transferred out of my english after all the havoc he caused yesterday. Thank Gosh!

"Em, look Paige is there! Have you still fallen out?" Hanna stated.

"I don't know Han, its confusing after" she looked around to see if anyone was listening "Ali" she whispered before looking around again to see if anyone reacted "is back"

" you cant fall out with Paige over it" I butted in.

"Anyway, Aria English next" Hanna nudged me. I giggled uneasily. I'm having thoughts about whether I should of told them or not.

English couldn't of come sooner, I needed to see him after the corridor incident. I arrived a couple of minutes early so I could briefly say 'hello', and ' what did mom mum have to say?' A couple of students walked in, my queue to sit down. I had period 5 free, which meant studying or going home and relaxing. About half way through the lesson while everyone was working I raised my hand. "Mr Fitz, can you take a look at my notes?" I asked.

"Sure Miss Montgomery." He walked over and looked at my note book and saw the note.

'Have you got next period free? My house? I have coffee and black and white films'

He smiled "yes, and thats good Aria. But here" he picked up my biro "you could add this" he scribbled down 'sure Pookie bear'

"Thank you sir" I had a stupid smile plastered on my face, I don't carefully turned over the page of my notebook so no one else saw.

The rest of english consisted of awkward eye contact between me and Ezra and trying to keep flirting to a minimum. The bell went and everyone stood up.

"Han, Em , Spence I have next period free, but still come to mine as soon as possible" I smiled at them and they nodded before leaving to get to their next lesson.

"Aria, are we off then?" Ezra smiled after he packed his briefcase and holding out his hand waiting for me to take it. Instead of holding it, i highfived him to symbolise that I didn't want him to get fired and to remind him where we are. He nodded before we both exited his room and walked towards his car. Being secretive that we were leaving together. We got to his car without being seen by anyone. We sped off in the direction of my house.

"I'll make coffee" I smiled when we walked through my front door.

"Sure, but before you go into the kitchen, theres something I need to do" he chuckled.

"What?" I replied concerned and turned around to face him.

"This" he planted his lips onto mine, a passionate kiss, one we hadn't had in a while.

"I've missed that" I giggled , then quickly kissed him again before walking into my kitchen.

"I've missed this too, now go get coffee" he winked.

"Your so demanding Mr Fitz" I winked back before walking into the kitchen fully.

Carefully i walked in with our coffee and put it down on the coffee table. "Thank you Aria" Ezra smiled while putting his book down.

"Come on drink up, the girls will be coming over soon so you better get moving and I promise I will be at yours as soon as possible"

"Trying to get rid of me?" He winked "I'll have to go in 10 minutes anyway, I have a few essays to mark, so I don't have to ruin our weekend with work" he quickly drank his coffee and kissed me and left. "Love you" he waved while getting into his car. He drove off before I could say it back.

I quickly tidied round the house, since my moms not living with us anymore dads slacking with the cleaning and washing and now was the best time to do it, I had a free half an hour to kill. In my head I kept going over what I was going to say to Emily, Hanna and Spencer about the office. Was I supposed to tell them the truth about Noel Kahn knowing about me and Ezra?

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