Chapter 3: The Confrontation

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Me and Spencer carefully took our seats, all eyes were on me wondering if what they heard was true or not. I got out my book and copied from the board. Just as the speaker went off again "Aria Montgomery, please come to the vice-principles office immediately" i picked up my bag, i could feel my hands shaking while picking up my book. I walked down the corridor, going through the possibilities that it could be. But one stuck in my mind, Ezra has got fired and got sent to jail and its all my fault. A tear fell from my cheek. Ezra was stood outside the office, also looking worried.

"Whats up?" I asked.

"Aria, Noel's told them, i've denied all you have to do is deny it too."

I sighed and started crying, i could tell in his eyes he'd hug me and wipe my tears away if he could, if we were anywhere but at school. I walked into the office and Noel was sat in one of the two chairs on the opposite side of the desk to the principle.

"Miss Montgomery, is what Mr Khan is saying true? Are you having a sexual relationship with Mr Fitz?"

"No I am not." I lied, tears formed.

"Explain why this young gentleman thinks this?"

"Me and Mr Fitz met before school started at a bar, we got talking about English and how he had applied for a job, but he didn't tell me where, and I told him how I loved English. Then we kissed, even before he started teaching me. Before either of us knew. Thats all that has and ever will happen between us" I explained trying to stop the tears from falling.

"Ezra, come back in please" Ezra glanced at me, he had love in his eyes, but the rest of his body looked scared.

"Please take a seat next to Aria" Mr Hackett bellowed. He was always a scary man. Ezra carefully took a seat next to me. "Miss Montgomery explained how you kissed once, before you started teaching her, is this true?"

"It is" Ezra replied.

"Is this the only time you've ever touched Miss Montgomery in a sexual way?"

"Yes it is" Ezra replied, his voice was calm.

"They're lying! They've had sex multiple times!" Noel butted in.

"Ezra, if this is true please tell me now" Mr Hackett ordered.

Mr Fitz took a while to answer..."it isn't true Mr Hackett" he lied.

"He's lying, Aria you've banged him haven't you?" Noel added.

"Noel go outside!" Mr Hackett shouted.

"Don't leave them alone, they'll bang on your desk" Noel added while he walked out of the office.

"Mr Hackett, look me and Aria, had a past kiss. I was drunk and she had just come back from Iceland and I listened to her, she needed a friend and I was there for her. Thats all that happened. Me and Aria are like the rest of my relationships with students, just talking when we pass in the corridor, maybe come after lesson to have help with homework. But I have never thought of Aria in a sexual way, not once." Ezra explained, I honestly believed him.

"I'll let you off this once, but if someone else tells me that you two have had a sexual relationship, Ezra, you will be in jail. Now hurry along"

"Mr and Mrs Fitz, I'll get you next time and I'll have proof." Noel sniggered when we walked out of the office.

"Noel. How could you do this? I thought we were friends? You know its not true" I replied while walking away. Ezra went straight back to english while I went to the ladies again to sort my makeup out. I looked at my reflection in the mirror, my eyeliner was smudged around my eyes making me looking like a panda. I splashed water onto my face then got my makeup wipes out and took all of it off. Only a few people had seen me without makeup, Hanna, Spencer and Emily and my mom and dad. But thats about it. So if anyone walked in they'd be in for the shock of their lives. I quickly redid it and stumbled into english. Ezra nodded in a sort of greeting and that I should sit down. Everyones head was moving to look at Mr Fitz then me.

"Right! So in great gastby what was daisy's motives?" Suddenly the bell went to symbolise school was over. Everyone exited the room, except from me and Ezra.

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