4: Unforgetable Breakfast

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"WHAT THE HELL?!" I yelled choking on my food, my face turned bright red as I coughed, I pounded on my chest trying to get the food out of, what felt like, my lungs.

"Honey are you okay?!!!" My mother screamed spilling her coffee as she jumped up. I finally achieved get the food out and spit it into a napkin.

"What?" I said out of breath. "Why?! Why, would you think that?!!!"

"Your sister said you slept with Nathan." My dad said leaning on the kitchen counter staring into my soul "She said you both were, you know..." An awkward silence crept into the room. "Doing stuff."

"My arm wound up on him when we were asleep!!" I tried convincing them. "Wait, but, we didn't do sh-t!"

"That's enough! Watch your language!" My father snapped at me.

"What's your problem Emily?!" I yelled at her.
She just sat back in her chair and gave an evil smirk. "Wait, where you even last night?"

"Don't bring her into this Ray." My mom sighed.

"Dad already brought her into this when he said that 'Emily said you did blah blah blah'." I rubbed my head and took a deep breath. "Plus I have a girlfriend! Jess is her name, do you remember? Huh?? I also f---ed some other girl last night as well. Then her boyfriend beat the sh-t out of me!" I yelled, standing up abruptly, then lifting my shirt pointing to my bruised ribs. "But you know, I'm super gay because I f--- any girl I see."

"Oh honey!" My mom cried. "Come here!" She said holding her arms open. "I'll still love you if you're gay, you just need some therapy."

"I AM NOT GAY!" I yelled back at them.
I stormed off, grabbed my backpack and shoes and went to door that led to the garage. I opened, than slammed it shut with all my might.

I almost started crying for some reason, I wasn't gay I don't understand why they're saying that. I shoved the keys in the ignition and backed up, they left the garage open like they usually do.

What were my parents thinking, and what did Emily even say to them? She had always been an evil kid. She hated me for some odd reason I'm not sure why, I just returned the hate back to her. It was like an infinite tennis game and ball was hate. I don't know why I kept playing but I just did.

It seems like we fought ever since she could crawl. The first big fight I remember having with her was when she was 4. It was my 8th birthday and I got a gold fish, once me and my dad finished putting up the fish tank we left it alone in my room. I don't remember exactly but I think we were eating some cake or something watching a movie in the living room.

Emily disappears and we suddenly hear the toilet flush. My mom got excited because she thought that Emily had finally learned to take a crap in the toilet and not in her hello kitty potty.

But once we got to the bathroom she was standing over the toilet with a little fish net in hand. She simply said.

"Bye bye fishy." And she gave one of those evil smirks she always does. I think she probably came out of the womb with an evil smirk on her face.

Anyways I remember I returned the evil thing she had done and cut all of her little curls off. Of course she didn't care because she was only 4 but my parents did. My dad whooped my ass good and hard. I never touched her hair since.

I did plenty of other things to her as the years went on though, like once when she was 12 I poured bleach on all her clothes. I've texted her little boyfriends embarrassing stuff she did from her own phone, so they thought she was texting them. I once convinced all her friends that she was a transgender boy. I got a real kick out of that one. But hey! That stuff is minor to what she did to me in the past, and look what she's doing now. She's convinced my parents I'm gay. Maybe I should chop all her curls off again.

She was getting out of control though, she was ruining my life! Maybe I should just try reasoning with her, but I doubt there's an ounce of good left in that girl.

I sped down my street and slowed down once I saw Nathan walking down the sidewalk eating the pancakes he stole and smoking a cigarette, he stopped and looked at me. "You okay man?"

"Just get in Nathan. Let's go blaze up." I said holding back my tears, I've always been pretty emotional for a guy. I used to get teased a lot for it, who am I kidding I still do. Nathan never teases me about that though, he knows not to.

"Dude, its only 9:30 AM." Nathan said opening the passenger door and hopping in. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing." I got over my feelings and suddenly felt nothing inside me. Nathan knew something was wrong but he also knew when to stop asking questions. He knew I would talk to him if I wanted to. If I needed to.

We pulled into, what I thought to be, the empty parking lot that we always go to, to smoke and hang out at.

Until, I saw Jess...

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