5: Jess

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She was with a couple of our friends watching them skateboard while they blasted some music. I should have known she was going to be here, she usually was here on Sunday's. This was just a parking lot cops usually never come around so it's ideal for doing things, well, illegal thing.

She saw me as I first pulled up so now I couldn't rev off. "Oh sh-t, there's Jess." Sighed Nathan. "You gon' be okay man?"

"Yeah, I'll be fine." I knew I would, once I didn't feel anything after feeling super emotional like I do, my feelings all together stop. I guess it's depressed, I'm not sure. I'll go into that state for a few hours maybe days and sometimes more. Nathan always helps me through them though.

Jess walked up to my car as I parked. I rolled down my window and faked a smiled.
"Hey you!" She said hesitantly, leaning in for a kiss. I froze as she lightly pecked me on the lips then furrowed her brows.

Jess was hard to read so I had no clue if she was hungry or if she literally wanted to slit someone's throat.

"What's up?" I said trying to be as 'chill' as I could without seeming stupid. I kept thinking about Kelsey. Did Jess know what I did?

"Nothin'." She said. "Just hangin' with these weirdos." Jess pointed to, Mark, Khalan, Shawn and Jordan trying skate tricks while high. Which wasn't really going as planned. There was a few other guys and girls in the parking lot but not too many, it was sort of a 'secret' spot. Jess had a thick New York accent, she lived there her whole life but moved when she was 14 to here.

"Hey, Jess. Can I talk to you?" I asked her. That was Nathan's que to leave, he knew everything I was thinking. That's probably why we were best friends. Nathan got out of my car and ran over to Mark asking him for a hit of his joint.

"Of course! I need to tell you something too." Jess walked around to the passengers seat as her thick black curly hair bounced every time she walked. Once she got in she lit a cigarette, took a puff and handed it to me.

I sucked in the smoke then blew it out the window handing it back. I decided to roll the windows up since it was getting cold.

"So, what did you wanna talk about babe?" Asked Jess taking another puff from her cigarette.

"I-i... I love you?" I said awkwardly, I never said that to her but I thought did love her or just the feeling of love, I wasn't sure. She always made me happy, well she only made me happy when I wasn't in a funky mood. But the only person that could make me happy no matter what was Nathan. But I couldn't bear to tell her that I cheated on her. For some reason saying the dreaded 'I love you' seemed easier than saying 'I slept with Kelsey and loved it until I knew how heartbroken I would be when you left me' it was selfish and cruel but it's how I felt.

Jess just stared at me playing with her big hoop earrings, and biting her lip until she broke the silence. "Oh babe!" She cried almost sounding sarcastic in a way. "You ain't kiddin'??"

I guess I joked a lot so she thought I was messing with her, but I guess once she realized I was serious she leaned in, closed her eyes and pressed her big lips against mine 'I am gettin' some' I thought to myself. We kissed what I thought to be passionately.
I slid my tongue into her mouth and rubbed it against hers.

"Mmmmm.." I moaned with my tongue still deep in her mouth...

Suddenly! she bit my tongue with her sharp white teeth than punched me between my legs as hard as she could with her bony fist. "AARGHHH!" I screamed trying pulling away from the tight clench of her teeth but failed. I started to taste my own blood, it started flowing outta my mouth and down my chin. Finally I pulled away as fast as I could screaming "AHHH WHAT THE F--- JESSICA??!!"

"You thought you could get away with it?!" She screamed, now everyone outside stared into my car watching me hold my mouth as blood poured out. "You should be happy I didn't cut your d-ck off! Did you like Kelsey's little white," She cursed, and continued calling me and Kelsey all sorts of names, once she finished she took a deep breath. That breath she took seemed to light the fire again, because she seemed to calm down for a second than she started yelling again, " Olishia told me how she saw you runnin' out of that room, all busted up from Jamal. I wish he would have killed you!"

She got out of my car slamming the door and ran into her car, she screamed at Olishia and she followed Jess into the car. They revved off while Jess stuck her middle finger out the window and waved it at me.

Don't let what happened put a bad taste in your mouth for Jess, I mean I didn't like her any less than I did before.

Wow, that sounded bad.

What I mean is, Jess is a really great girl. She makes me laugh and she's a great kisser. Not to mention she's really good looking. She's just a handful and I don't blame her for acting the way she did, how would you have acted if someone broke your heart. I knew I should have felt more sad for her, but I guess I didn't. I silently wished she wouldn't have found out.

How selfish could I be...

I sat there for a while, thinking about what I did to Jess, blood still coming out of my mouth.

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