13: Princess J

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I was relieved when the bell rang, it was my last class of the day. Nathan followed me as we headed outside, he wasn't talking which was surprising and sort of strange. Now that I think about it he hasn't really said too much to me today at all. Maybe he was just tired...

"I have to chill with Jess before we go to the kick back. She did this whole stupid scene, and manipulated me to try to get her way. I shouldn't have tried getting her back." I complained to Nathan breaking the strange silence as we got to my car.

"Bruh, just go bang her than come to the kickback with us. Not that difficult." Nathan laughed in a weird way, "She doesn't really trust you though that's why she's acting weird."

"Okay, I know, it's going to be a lot of work gaining her trust back, I don't know if it's really worth it."

"It might not be, does she make you happy?" Asked Nathan getting in my car.

I wanted to say 'No she doesn't make me happy, but I don't need her to make me happy, you make me happy. She's just a girl to have sex with.' But I realized, that wasn't true. She did make me happy sometimes. I mean she used to. I really did like Jess, maybe not as a girlfriend I don't know, but I liked her.

I decided on saying, "Well, she used to make me happy." As I finished saying that I saw Jess walking towards my car. Her big hair bounced as she walked towards towards me and her skin glowed in the sunlight.

"Okay, imma leave." Laughed Nathan hopping out of the car, "I'll see you tonight then Ray, I'm ganna probably go with Khalan to get something for tonight." Nathan winked as he walked off saying hi to Jess.

Jess got in, she still looked kind of pissed. I decided she didn't deserve how I was treating her. I was the one who cheated on her and I was one who was treating her like crap.

"Baby girl, princess." I said reaching over gently grabbing her face squishing her cheeks. "I'm sorry I was being an asshole." I pulled her still squished, angry looking face towards me and pecked her on lips.

She just looked at me pursing her lips, than cracked a smile. She couldn't resist me calling her princess.

"You can be such a goddamn idiot Ray." She said pushing me away trying to hide her smile.

"Princess, I'm sorry I don't have an excuse. I was being a jerk." I pulled her in again towards me and kissed her forehead.

"I forgive you, now. Let's go eat I'm deadass starvin'." She cracked a smile, "I want some McDonald's."

That's one thing I did love about Jess. She wasn't into all that fancy ass stuff most girls were into. I honestly don't think we've even ever been to a nicer restaurant than olive garden and she didn't care.

She wasn't like most girls at all to be honest, she was loyal, smart, didn't care if we ate at McDonald's. she was content with me, I don't know why I had to do what I did. She did have a temper, but only when I did stupid stuff like ignore her or cheat on her.

Jess was kind and girls were jealous of her beauty. Jess would go out of her way to try to make someone feel wanted and that's a rare quality to have especially for a girl in highschool. Some people don't want to feel wanted by someone like her though. At least they act like it, Jess was friends with pretty much every girl and guy that would let her. I don't know why she does that, it wasn't a thing that she did to get attention or feel wanted. She was simply nice, you may not believe me by the way she had been acting towards me but like I said she has a temper.

You can be very kind and still have a temper. Let's put it this way, she doesn't let anyone mess with her, she can be the nicest person ever but if you cross her she'll will not put up with it. She doesn't take crap from anyone, honestly it's a good quality to have. It may not make me feel comfortable but at least she doesn't continue letting me walk all over her. She's straight up with you, she lets you know it like it is. Sometimes she'll play petty games if she's bored but that's rare even for her. I'm really surprised that she gave me a second chance.

"Alright babe, let's go." I smiled at her grabbing her thigh and and revving off.

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