17: Yuh Queen

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The first time I met Nathan I got these little butterflies in my stomach, he scared me but at the same time I was comfortable around him. That's the best way I could describe it, but since I'm no good with words that will have to suffice. Today Nathan showed me something, something scary and important. Something that brought a bad taste to my mouth, something that you wish wasn't there but it was always staring you right in the face.

Nathan showed me today that he is simply a human. I always saw him as some sort of a God, someone inhuman, able to do anything. Maybe the drugs brought him out of that God like state that I saw him in. But he seemed perfect in my eyes.

Everything was great until tonight, yeah I've had some ups and down this past week but this topped it. I didn't know what was going to happen, I'm not sure why Khalan had to go do whatever he did.

In that moment I was scared to death, my heart was racing and my hands were getting clammy. The three men came barging in screaming at Khalan. I still was gripping Nathan and Jess' hands as if I would die if I let go. Once I peeped around the corner I instantly regretted it. One of the guys saw me and started coming my way. The others continued to threaten Khalan with everything they could manage to get out of their mouths. For some reason Khalan didn't seem too scared, hell I'd be if they did that to me. I mean hell! I am and they aren't even talking to me!

Hell no, this can't be happening. He saw me!

I saw the tall dark figure tower over the counter peering down at us. Jess let out a faint squeal and squeezed my hand so hard I thought she might crush it.

"What are you little p-ssy's hiding from?" The man said crouching down as he waved his gun back and forth between us. By this time Jordan had made it to his room, I think, before the men saw. I glanced over at Nathan his eyes were foggy and it seemed someone had possessed Nathan's body and left the real Nathan in some ditch somewhere, waiting for me to go and find him.

Why did Nathan feel the need to get high all the time? He had me! I felt like I didn't need to get high as much because I had him.

Nathan was my drug.

"Where is our sh-t?" The man threatened, staring into our souls. I was numb with fear, he continued to wave the gun aimlessly around. I couldn't seem to get a single word out of my mouth, my hand shook making Nathan and Jess' shake.

Nathan made the first move, and a stupid one at that. He simply looked the guy in the eyes and spit directly in his face.

"Hell no, Nathan you did not just do that!" The guy yelled smashing the butt of his gun on Nathan's temple. Nathan instantly fainted falling into my lap. Shocked I thought to myself, how did Nathan know this guy? But like the beginning I continued to do nothing. I just sat staring at him.

Jess began to shake and cry, "R-ray." She mumbled between sobs.

I just held onto her arm tightly trying to somewhat comfort her. Beads of sweat began to run down my face.

Khalan casually came around the corner, the two men followed pointing their guns to the ground as if Khalan was one of their buddy's it was the oddest thing.

"Just give them what they want, Khalan!" I said in a demanding tone, I wasn't about to tell these guys where the weed was. I still liked Khalan as a friend and even if I didn't, I would never snitch on him.

"Fine!" Khalan said at last, he yelled for Jordan to come out with the weed. Shortly after Jordan did so.

Jordan shoved the duffle bag into what seemed to be the leader of the threes arms.

"Why did you even take this sh-t from us Khalan? You just tryin' to rebel against dad or somethin'?" Said the leader.

"Terrell," Sighed Khalan, I was shocked, was this really Khalan's brother? "Dad don't give two flying f---s what I do. So get the hell out. You got what you wanted. Oh, and tell dad I ain't coming home tonight, ugh like he actually cares."

"Stupid lil boy, he does care about you." Sighed Terrell back. "Not too sure why he does, cause you probably the dumbest lil sh-t on the streets."

Terrell started to walk out with his minions but before he made it to the door Nathan opened his eyes waking up, blood was dripping down his face but he managed to get a few last words in before they left.

"Aye Jay you little-" Nathan continued to curse at him calling him multiple things including fag.

This didn't seem to sit well with Jay. He stomped over towards Nathan and stared him in the eye.

"Ain't less of a fag than you," Jay whispered clenching his teeth. I'm pretty sure I was the only one who heard, because I could barely even hear what he said and I was the closets one to Nathan. "At least I don't cry when I get banged. I've had better."

Jay pointed the gun at Nathan's chest while everyone sat in silence.

"If I even see you again I'll kill you Nathan Jean, yuh queen." The three of them walked off, then everyone stared at Nathan but had no clue what was happening, well other than me. His face was beet red, and not only from the blood smeared across his head. He sank back within himself wishing he could just disappear.

We all got up and sat around the living room exchanging looks.

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