7: Feels Like Home

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We finally made it to Nathan's house after The Vally. I sat on his bed watching him on his phone as the dull light shone on his tan skin. The edibles were finally kicking in. My body was going numb, it felt amazing. I can't explain it but you know exactly what I'm talking about if you've ever done them.

I ran my fingers through my hair and down my face as I laid back onto his soft bed. It felt like the bed was absorbing me but I felt safe in Nathan's room, maybe it was his presence or maybe just the room. Just simply the scent of him brought a sense of peace to me. It's probably weird and sounds gay but It's true.

I have never felt comfortable around anyone except Nathan. I've never trusted anyone except Nathan as well, not even my own family. If anything happened to him I could not continue living, even if I didn't kill myself physically, mentally and spiritually I would be dead. He was my everything. I don't know if it's the drugs talking or me anymore but he is the reason I'm still alive right now, it's not a sexual thing. I can't explain it. You'd be lucky to have a friend like this in your lifetime, or unlucky.

Because like I said if anything happened to that person, you probably couldn't continue living you'd be worse than you were before you met them. They'd wreck your world.

Maybe that's just what I thought and felt, did Nathan really make me a better person or just make me comfortable? I sure knew that I wasn't the same person I was before I met him. Maybe I would grow cold and bitter if he got taken away from me. Maybe it would make me see the world in a different way, I would never know. Well I hoped I would never know.

The wind gently blew in from the open window, lightly blowing Nathan's golden hair. Smoke surrounded him as he puffed on a cigarette and looked down at me. He didn't seem real in that moment, the moonlight crept in through the window and shone on tan skin making him seem like a Greek God or something.

"Scoot over, I'm ganna lay down, I'm hella tired." He said takings a last puff of his cigarette, then smashing it into his night stand to put it out. I rolled over to the edge of the bed and we lay side by side. I felt so happy and content at this moment, I wanted it to last forever. But all things come and go. Thinking about that almost ruined the moment, I didn't want us to ever fall apart from each other. I wanted to be by his side till I die.

"Hey." Nathan mumbled quietly breaking the silence. "Are you going to school tomorrow or do you want to skip."

"I would say skip but if we skip too many days we wouldn't be able to graduate.. I want to get the hell out of there."

"True." Nathan said simply. "Ray, you going to get your phone it keeps vibrating?"

"Oh I didn't know it was mine." I replied kind of surprised getting up I squinted at my screen as the bright light burned my eyes. There was 3 text messages from "mom"

They read: "Nathan where are you? I'm worried."
"Just let me know if you're okay."
"Oh and when you get home you're grounded."

I sighed texting her back "Sorry, at Nathan's going to sleep over. I'll see you tomorrow after school, still pissed at dad. Why am I grounded I didn't do crap?"

I sent it lying down again and pulling the covers over me. My eyes grew heavy, Nathan put his hand on my shoulder and gently squeezed it.

"You're going to be okay." Nathan said.

That's exactly what I needed to hear. I knew I was going to be okay I just simply wanted someone to say it. Confirm it, I don't need Jess I just want her. If I wasn't high I would probably be about to cry thinking about Jess, but I only need two things in life.

1. Nathan
2. Weed

That's simply all I needed and wanted.

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