Chapter 6 Uchiha

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It was hard to believe that that night will be the night of the full moon once again. This last month cycle went by fast with the Hyuga clan. Hiko wanted to see her father once more but Naruto still hasn’t returned from his mission. Hiko looked over at Neji. He was with two others from his clan, Tokuma who had brown long brown hair, and Iroha who had short brown hair. She knew Iroha was very serious, more so than Neji. Tokuma she really didn’t know, he was gone a lot doing a lot of reconnaissance.

She then looked down in her hands, two small balls were in her hands. She had never made these before, but she never wanted to be a guardian before. She still made up her mind that she still wants to, however Hiashi did say wait a year. She went to Neji who he and his two clan members were ready to go.

“Hiko, are you ready?” Neji asked.

Hiko nodded her head, “Yeah.” She handed him one of the balls. “Here.”

“What is this?”

“A kitsune star ball, or at least half of one.” She held up hers. “You guard this with your life Neji.”

“Why do you want me to have it?” He asked.

“I do not know if your uncle told you, but I wish to be the Hyuga guardian. I want you to have this in token.”

Neji nodded his head.

Tokuma looked at Hiko, “That is not something you should give up lightly.”

“I know it’s not.” Hiko looked at the other Hyuga. “Nor is me wanting to be a clan’s guardian. I have made my decision. Shall we go? We don’t have much time.”

The Forest of Death was guarded by a fence. Hiko was let inside however the clan stayed behind. “I will see you guys tomorrow.” The sun was setting and Hiko walked into the forest. Soon night fell. The Hyuga team looked inside with their byakugan, Inside they saw Hiko, a tail was growing, and soon they heard an eco of a scream. It repeated until 9 tails were coming from a fox form. Then Hiko found a creek and laid by the water.

The clan stopped watching her for a moment to rest their eyes. They knew they need to take turns. Takuma was first.

Hiko smelt someone who she hasn’t in at least 16 years. A man was coming to visit her, the same Uchiha as before. Do they still watch Kohona? She went near the fence where the Hyuga clan left her. However the man was fast using his chakra to speed step in front of her. She growled at him. The jewel was within her claws holding it tightly. She put her chakra into it. “Uchiha…” She growled once more.

Neji heard a voice coming from the star ball Hiko gave him. He narrowed his eyes, and placed it to his ears. “What a foolish fox you are Hiko, returning to Kohona. Did you not think that I would show up after you again?”

Hiko had fire coming out of her tails, and balls of fire went around her. She was ready to fight. “You are nothing but another greedy ninja.” She fired them off. Then she saw the sharingan. She felt herself stopping her attacks which she didn’t control.

Obito gave a laugh. “You think you can fight me? Did you forget about the sharingan?” He taunted. “Don’t worry, I shall reunite you with your father soon.”

Neji and his teammates went into the forest. By the time they arrived to the spot Hiko was at, she was gone along with the man. “Their chakra just disappeared…” Tomoko spoke.

“That’s impossible.” Iroha dismissed. “They can’t just disappear.”

“They must have used a transportation jutsu.” Neji deduced. “It was an Uchiha.”

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