Chapter 16

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Hiko looked at the night sky within her room. She didn’t want to socialize at the moment. It wasn’t because she was human at the moment, but because no one listened to her words. They all believe that Sasuke was going to start a war. How foolish humans are. No, the only war that will happen was because of Obito. They are going after the only good Uchiha.

There was a knock on the door. Hiko chose to ignore it. Her star jewel was starting to burn. It was around her neck still, as it was on a big enough chain to stay around her when she transforms. She felt Neji’s chakra. “Hiko, come on and open the door.”

She sighed, and got up. She didn’t bother putting any cloths back on. She opened the door, Neji of course was already used to her lack of clothes. He walked in and closed the door. “Hiko, I didn’t know how close you had gotten to Sasuke, wasn’t he just a Uchiha?”

Hiko humphed and walked back to her spot. “He… He is naïve actually. The plot against Douzo… Douzo must die.”

“Must he?” Neji asked. “Do you not care if a war will break out?”

“You know Obito is alive, or are you guys think that the Akatsuki is gone now that they failed to get Naruto before? Sasuke never had any problems with the people, but with the government, I talked him into going after the government…”

“That will still cause a war.”

“Not if he becomes Hokage and cleans it out from the inside.”

Neji shook his head. “That is why he came back to become Hokage?”

Hiko nodded her head. “Pretty much. If he doesn’t become Hokage and yet Naruto does, I’m pretty sure Naruto will want to change that part of the government as well.” She shook her head. “I think you guys are worrying about the wrong Uchiha here.”

“Pain was the head of the Akatsuki. Itachi, Kisame, Hiden…”

“And yet Obito is alive, and so is Zetsu of the Akatsuki.” Hiko sighed. “This ‘Tobi’ is alive as well.” She looked at the moon. “Things are not yet finished yet.”


The following day Hiko walked along the Hyuga land. Things were tense with Neji, of course he doesn’t trust that Sasuke was indeed naïve. She knew a war was going to break out. The same signs as before were showing up again. The tense air with the people, including non ninja are scared of a war is a big sign. Hopefully Obito would be taken care of.

Hiko smelt Obito, he was coming. He wasn’t even hiding his scent or even try to sneak up to her. She grabbed her star jewel. “Neji…” She spoke.

“I’m leaving my star jewel here. Take care of it… Obito is here. I can’t risk him finding it. Look for my chakra, and you will find the jewel.”

“Hiko?” Neji asked.

“Hush… I am currently on the edge of the land. I won’t be here long. I’m going to lead him away from the area to keep the little ones safe. I think giving the choice he might destroy the star jewel. Hurry up and get it okay?” She hid it I  the bushes near the tree. She put a bit of charka in it for a couple of reasons. One so Neji can find it, two he would be able to use it in a coming war, and three less she has the less Obito can control. She transformed and went off to the woods where she knew people won’t be around. Obito wouldn’t care who got hurt as long as he gets her. She knew better. He was making his move since Sasuke turned on him, and the Akatsuki failed to get Naruto.

Obito showed himself infront of Hiko, his mask was still in place, as he wore his Akatsuki robe still. “You know how to manipulate people don’t you? You got Sasuke back, and now he even wants to be became Hokage. How did you managed that?”

Hiko shrugged, “I just gave him another option on getting revenge by sharing Madara’s story and what Danzo did with Itachi. He is currently going after Danzo. I gave him names not just a village, and how being Hokage will get him close to these people. I know about oppression you know. And here you are Uchiha, going to use me for some reason again.”

“You know me too well.” He walked to her. “You are not fighting, you got attached to the village... You should have known better.” He used his eyes on her. Using his jutsu they arrived in an area Hiko didn’t know.


Neji followed the chakra, and he picked up the star jewel. “Hiko.” He sighed. He had no way to track her now. He shook his head. The chakra she put in was strong, he had to wonder where Obito took her. He followed the tracks she left. He looked around at where they stopped. He saw that she had transformed, once again her dress was left behind. There were no other signs, just like before when Obito took her. With Danzo as Hokage having Hiko live at the Hyuga compound would have been iffy at best. Now that she was gone again, he might add her to the most wanted list. Hiko just knows too much about the village now. He sighed, he had no way to contact her.

Hiko looked around, snow was falling around her and Obito. She was glad she transformed, at least her fur was keeping her warm. “Where are we?” She asked.

“The Land of Iron. Don’t tell me you never left the Land of Fire for a near century.”

“I haven’t.” She spoke simply. “What do you want from me?”

“A weapon, I have yet gotten the hachibi and the kubi.”

“And why do you want them?”

“Did your father ever told you where he came from?”

“He didn’t get the chance remember?” She snapped.

“Well, he and the other tailed beasts were created from one big beast, the 10 tails. From there I will put the world in a new form of peace. A new world will be created, and you don’t have to worry about any form of oppression again. What do you say? Do I have to force you or are you willing? As of now, at the Kage meeting I am going to demand the Hachibi and the Kubi. If I don’t get them I will start a war. You shall be my secret weapon. I will make the demand and we shall go from there. You will stay nearby, but I don’t wish for them to know of you just yet.” He looked at her, his eye started, “Stay.”

Hiko laid on the snow covered ground, as he walked away. She created fire, however the invisible strings on her were making sure she was staying still.

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