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POV Christal

I was just sitting in the room, connected to the guy's rooms on either side, writing "fanfics" about the things happening right now so I won't be too stressed out about it

I find it weird that people actually like my stories
Well not really stories more like a rant about things happening give or take a few things of course I'm not gonna put everything we do
I do want to keep some stuff private

There's at a knock on the doors
"Come in" I say loudly

Both Q and Sal come in and sit on the bed with me and Riley

"Christal get ready we're going out and don't worry about Riley, Q is gonna take care of 'em" Sal says

"Chris what are you writing about?" Sal asks while looking over at my phone

"Some ranting mostly that I've been wanting to post and they're kind of an exaggeration about my life so I doubt that they believe it" I said

"You're not putting anything too personal are you?" He asked

"No I wouldn't do that" I say then getting off the bed and walk towards my luggage to get clothes

I had forgotten that I changed into a big shirt that went up halfway up my thighs and no shorts when I got back from lunch so I tried to be as calm as I could when I turned around to look at them but they had their jaws to the floor

"Ummmm.....hello? I'm gonna need you guys to stop being pervs and step out so I could shower" I say as calmly as I can

"Ok I'll take him with me so you guys could get ready" Q says snapping himself outta checking me out and taking Riley to his room then popping his head back in to ask

"I'm gonna feed him so is there anything he won't eat?"

I just shake my head Q closes his door and I look over to Sal

Sal walked to his door and turned around

"I really hope you don't put too much about your personal life you should start keeping a private life once you start working with us more.....text me when you're ready"
He closes the door and I go take a shower

In the shower I thought about what Sal said I would have to keep things private more than before since I'll most likely be around the guys and I can never let anything happen for Riley's sake
Stories are just that.....I can never think of doing it
I was still in my towel when I was finishing up the latest chapter of the story then I started getting dressed

When I finished getting dressed and went to Q's room to check on Riley they were actually just eating and watching tv

"So you'll be fine with him right?" I ask while letting Sal know I was ready

"Yeah no problem if anything Joe and bessy are near by visiting family so I'm good" he says

Sal shows up in Q's room
"ready?" Asking me then looks to Q

"You two have fun I know I will" he says with a wink

I smack him in the arm
"Quit it or you'll be sorry" I say with a chuckle

When we got to the lobby there were a few fans that came up to us and wanted to take pics with Sal
I offered to take the pics for them to make it quicker
After we finished with the fans we walked out the hotel and I didn't realize that we where in Hollywood till I saw the bright lights of the strip

AU Tender in the loins (after truth or shot/ Sal)Where stories live. Discover now