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All the guys came in and held the babies.

"Wow they both have your big eyes Chris and they have Sal's face" Q says looking at Elizabeth and Anthony

"Yeah, now I'm gonna get some rest they're gonna take me to another room make sure the kids and my stuff are all there"

They took her to another room and I followed the babies while Joe and Q took Riley and Hailey

Murr's ferret ass was whining about him still being hurt while sitting in a wheelchair

"Dude it's better than what I had planned for you believe me" I say laughing

I keep looking at my twins they just sleep so calmly I can't believe they're ours
I stay with Christal and the twins
Hailey and Riley stay the night with Joe and Q

1month later

We did an interview for TMZ and they took pictures of me and Christal first then of the kids
I asked them to take one of all of us I asked them to put the headline "Impractical family"

It's been 7yrs that I've been with Christal it seems like I was waiting for her it might sound like a cliché but I guess the reason it didn't work with the others, besides actually feeling for them, was because I was waiting for her and Riley

If I wouldn't have rented the basement I wouldn't have my wonderful kids and a wife that is as weird as I am


They all look over at me and I smile

"Thanks, I know you guys have to put up with me for a long time and I'm really grateful for all of you guys"

"I know I speak for me and the guys when I say we put up with you cuz you put up with us
There's nothing we would wanna change about our friendship with you" Q says and the guys gave me a hug

Christal gets up and takes me to the next room after making sure the guys could handle the kids

"Sal, I never thought that I would be here with you I was just a fan of yours and thought you were so awesome that even after what happen with Riley's father you still stuck by my side and wanted to be with me, going as far as calling and adopting Riley as yours
I'm glad that I got to meet you and the guys
I know what it's like to be accepted by others now and to actually be loved and it's all thanks to you and the guys
Our kids are lucky you're such a weirdo and so are their uncles"

She kissed me so deep and passionately that it felt like the day on the swing when I kissed her that one night 7yrs ago

5yrs later

Mini jokers is in their 6 season and it's almost time for Hailey and Joe's son to take over they've been on it a lot and will take over when Mil and Riley turn 15 and they'll be 8 & 9
The twins are on it sometimes too just like they all go on their dad's show

They all started modeling the kid's section of Tru Tv's clothes they like it so they keep doing it.

Q met a girl online a few years ago and she moved to SI they're gonna be married next month

Murr got a chick pregnant and has a little girl that he got full custody of and he's actually a good dad give or take when he asks either me or Bessy how to do the simplest things and we end up doing it for him in the end

We all keep going on the cruise and even got to host one of the events but I'll let the guys handle it in the future
I've asked Riley if he wants to see his cousins on the other side of the family but he says that he's not ready yet and I don't really push him to go visit them hopefully one day he'll want to go and know that he wasn't missing out on anything

Sal is the silliest dad ever
Hailey and the twins always want him to take them to school so I try to have shooting for the show start a bit later
More than enough times all the guys have gone to the kid's school and made trouble for them
When the twins turned 5 Sal and the guys took their class to the science museum for a few hours and fed them white castle just like they did for all the kid's 5th birthdays

Everything has been so amazing that I wouldn't give it up for the world my husband, kids, and my impractical family they are more than what anyone had ever expected me to have,
What even I expected to have

I left Phoenix with a toddler to a city with practically no family and ended up being with the craziest guys that have helped me get a career and most importantly raise my son to know what a real men are, of course I can't say that they're normal in any sense of the word but they are still the best thing that could ever happen to a little boy and his mom

My family eventually stopped talking to me since they keep insisting that I take Riley to see his father since I kept telling them he didn't want to so I never made him go we did end up going but it was nothing but drama
Hailey and Liz are Daddy's girls, naturally Riley and Tony are momma's boys

We take lots of family trips while the guys aren't filming, other times Sal and I drop the kids off in LA or Phoenix for the summer and just do our own thing for a few days then go back home and video chatting with the kids
I'm happy that I did what I did and I wouldn't change it for the world

AU Tender in the loins (after truth or shot/ Sal)Where stories live. Discover now