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It's been 15yrs that I've known Sal and the guys
they're my family, I know that they are not blood but that makes it more special

From what my mom says I was 2yrs old when we came to New York and rented Sal's basement without knowing it was his
It was Q and Sal that helped potty train me

I don't remember anything about Drew my mom says that I didn't really meet him till I was around 7yrs old or something but I don't even remember going over the day after going to Knott's Berry farm
I have gotten messages from people who say they are my relatives but I don't believe them and delete the message without telling my mom

When I was in school and had to talk about my dad I talked​ about Sal and all the stuff we would do during the summer

Sal is the one that taught me how to dress and to take care of my personal hygiene
He was the one that I would help with the cleaning once I got older

At 15 I was able to realize everything my mom did for me and I'm glad she did

We're on our way to meet Drew and any other siblings he made with the ex stripper, Hailey and Tony stayed with Dad and Liz wanted to come with me and Mom

When I got older my mom and dad explained to me that Sal wasn't my father but he was my dad and it wasn't going to change anything if I wanted to meet Drew and that they would help me

"Mom, we just left Phoenix it's gonna be a while till we get to LA so you guys should sleep" I look in the rearview mirror at them

"I'm fine at the next big city I want to get a few things" my mom says

"For my cousins?" I tried to figure out which ones

"Yeah and for great grandma" Liz says

We left around midnight from Phoenix and ended up at great Grandma's apartment in Little Tokyo later that day, mom said that it's better for her to be around a place that's close to a hospital and what not, but I really think it's because whenever we come she goes down the street to shop and stuff

Since GG didn't have a car of her own we used her parking spot when we visited
We would fly to Phoenix to see Grandma and pick up one of the cars and drive around town before heading here to GG's place

My mom and Q helped me fix up my cars when we didn't really have anything to do
I always ended up just leaving them with Grandma so she would have a car to come out here to visit my cousins
Since we lived on the island we didn't really need a car other than to go to the market or to the mall and just used mom's

We would visit Grandma every few weeks to make sure the cars were in good shape and to take her out

We took GG out before heading to Drew's mom's house, I found it funny that the guy was 42 and still living at his mom's, GG tried to convince Liz to stay but she didn't want to

"We'll see you in a few hours rest so you're good to go out for dinner" my mom told GG in Spanish

I didn't drive since I didn't know the way and mom wouldn't tell me the address
We got to a house with lots of cars parked around it and got a spot right in front

"Wow that's a nice car"

"Damn that's tight"

"It's right side drive too "

People said when we got out the car and headed to the house and knocked

"Who is it?" A dude asks

"Is Drew home?"


"Do you know when he'll be back?"

"Yeah, he's on his way back right now you wanna come in?"

"Yeah, thanks"

When we sat down some lady came in the house and started to yell

"Who the fuck do you think you are?"

"I'm Chris"

"Why the hell are you here?"

She looks over at me and Liz

"Damn that's sad, you got with someone that looks just like Drew and had a kid and now you want to rub it in
What happen to your comedian husband?"

For some reason I look older than what I really am especially when I go out with my mom
She's only 5'2 and I'm almost 6'0 Sal and I train with Mom, Liz does look like my kid since there's a big age gap

"None of your business, I'm here to talk to Drew"

"Drew's outside smoking with everyone" the guy says

I later found out he was my cousin Shawn
We go outside then the lady starts trying to fight so I hold her back from getting hurt by my mom

"Get your hands off my wife"
Drew comes over and pushes me away

"Well fuck this let's go mom, I don't give a fuck anymore"

I get Liz from Mom and get back in the car

"Well sucks for you, pushing your son because he was stopping her from getting her ass kicked" my mom tells Drew

"That's Riley?" He says

Both the ex stripper and Drew look over at me and look ashamed

"Yeah, and you fucked it up with him, he's the one that wanted to come and see you but you put your hands on him"

An older lady that looked older than grandma showed up

"What the hell is going on here?" She asked

"Your stupid ass son put his hands on Riley now he doesn't even want to be here"

"Riley?" She looked over at me in the car

I don't say anything I just stare at them

My mom waved me over but all I did was get out the car and sat on the hood with Liz next to me

"I can't believe you didn't know it was him he's been on TV and I've been sending you photos albums ever 2 years, you guys should have 8 of them by now" I hear my mom tell them

"I didn't get anything and haven't seen him either" Drew says

Shawn comes out with 8 albums
"These are the ones she's talking about, your wife has been getting them and hiding them in the hall closet and she makes sure you guys go out whenever he was on TV"

Everyone turns to her and the old lady slapped her
"How dare you do that I didn't get to see him after his birthday other than on TV because I thought they wanted nothing to do us"

"Mom let's go, I'm still pissed"

"Mommy, I'm hungry can we go now?"

My mom looks over at us then back at Drew

"You'll be lucky if Sal or the guys don't call lawyers on you"

"Shawn thanks, I'll see you"

We left that house and never went back I keep in touch with Shawn and he comes to visit sometimes and shows me pictures of the supposed brother I have that looks nothing like us but other than that I never saw Drew again there wasn't any kind of bond so I didn't bother

My mom never told me one bad thing about Drew but that day I knew that I didn't want him in my life and I sure as hell didn't need him I have my dad and uncles to talk to about everything and anything

AU Tender in the loins (after truth or shot/ Sal)Where stories live. Discover now