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Christal was the only one left at the table with me since Q went with the guys in their car
We took the other car after we sobered up a bit

"Is there any place else you wanna go?" I ask while starting the car

"I think a drive is OK till we find something else to do"

"Do I just take the streets?"


I say nothing and follow her directions
We ended up at the beach it was pretty close to the airport so we got to see planes land and take off

"What time do the cops come by to kick us off the pier?" I ask looking at my watch

"We don't have to worry, I let the guys know that we're gonna be out all night" she says with a smile

I didn't notice that she had a backpack with her

"What's in the bag?" Nodding to it

"Just some stuff I thought I would need" she says while she digs in the backpack and gets two blankets out and walks to the beach

sitting down on a blanket we look out to the water and just stays quiet
The second one was big enough to wrap around the two of us

"I have never thought I could actually be happy for once" she says looking over to me

She has the same look I've seen many times before
I just sit next to her and hold her

"Never in a million years did I think I would meet you or the guys let alone be on a date with you...I'm glad that I have this chance" she gives me a hug

I hug her back and lift her chin up
"Well you're not the only lucky one... I sure that things would be different if we didn't meet"

"Yeah, I know what you mean if I wouldn't have met you I couldn't do this" she moves in closer and kisses me

I kiss her back and smile at her
"Yup you wouldn't be able to"

We just talked most of the time at the beach
Just us and the stars just like the first time we met
She stopped what she was saying

"What's wrong?" I ask her

"I just thought about something" she says kinda sad

"The cruise and stuff right?" I say she nods

"Well I talked to Q about it already....We can stay the rest of the week and I take you out...then next week he'll take you out and after we get back from the cruise we'll talk more on that" I say with a smile

The night went by faster after that when the sun came up we went to get something to eat

"There's a few food places near the hotel we can meet the guys at" she tells me

"Yeah that sounds good" I say with a smile

"Oh I called the guys already" she says before I can take my phone out

When we get in the car she didn't ask to put the heat on or anything all she says is

"hope they put something warm on him cuz I know how you guys love the room temp low"

We just decided to eat the the hotel with everyone and headed up to our rooms

Q says he'd watch Riley so Chris can sleep we all part ways and settle in for a nap well at least try to
I can't sleep knowing christal is in the next room sleeping

AU Tender in the loins (after truth or shot/ Sal)Where stories live. Discover now