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The look on the dick's face was priceless

Two cop biddies of Q came up and I go into the house while Q goes to talk to them handing me Riley

" Hey so what seems to be the problem?"

"She kidnapped my son and they don't wanna give him back" he says trying to control his anger

"Fuck that shit I-"

"Christal let Q handle it" I say with a smile

"Yes, it's true that we won't give him to his father, Only for the fact that his mother has full custody of him" Q says nodding to Christal

"But she didn't kidnap him, right Sal?" Q asked me with a smile

"Right!....she stays in the room downstairs with her son for the past few months" I say

"Drew, we just finished filming the end of the season and we really don't have time to deal with you.
So if you'll please stop this nonsense and let us be we have some things that need to be done" Christal says

"Sir, do you have any paper work that says you have rights to your son?" One of the cops ask


"Well there's really nothing we can do, other than that if we get a call at the station stating that you are bothering them you will be arrested for harassment and trespassing"

he looked really mad at the fact that the cops didn't do anything

"Oh by the way, Guys we will see you at the next charity fundraiser am I correct?"

"no doubt about it I'll set it up, Just call the network and ask for me" Christal said handing them her card

the cops made sure that he was gone and said that they will be patrolling the street

so Christal and I went out to a gallery then to get some thing to eat and talked

"Man, the at was really... Interesting" I said

" I know what you mean everything is all dark and depressing" she said

"Hey does it feel like we're getting followed?" Christal asks

"Yeah it's your ex, I've seen him following us a few times and him being a fan would know where we hang out, Lets go to the park that we took Riley to" I say

"ok, lets get something warm to drink on the way there" she smiles

when we got to the park I grabbed her hand and took her to the swings to sit and swing for a bit

"Christal I know that we haven't been dating long but it's been really fun being with Riley and you"

she just looked at me with her beautiful eyes telling me more than any words could

I had a feeling that she was going to say no but she didn't she stopped swinging to say something 

"Salvatore I'm flattered that I get to be your girlfriend....but there is something that I need to know, are you really ok that I have Riley and in knowing that he will always be first even before me"

"Yes, I know that he is most important to you no matter what and he is to me too, he's my little buddy and he's just like you that's the thing I like most about him"

I lean forward and reach for the chains of the swing and pull her closer to me

" so is that all you wanted to ask me?"


she's cute when she stutters so I get up and push back on the swing so that she's at my eye level

she was blushing, damn she looks so beautiful in the moon light and she nods her head

" so does that mean you'll keep being my girlfriend?"

she doesn't say anything, she just leans in and kisses me on my lips softly

"So I'll take that as a yes"

she just smiles and nods again

"Good" I kiss her back for a while

when we got back to the house we could hear that they were having fun playing

Q was playing a sorry game of Wii tennis and Riley was laughing when he cussed for missing the ball

" Hey Q I'm gonna talk to Christal in her room for a while since I really couldn't while we were out since the douche was following us" I say

" Yeah that's cool the guys are coming over so I'm gonna order some pizza and put Netflix on in a bit, then we can all hang out"

"Ok deal" I say

I now get to share the news with my best friends
When the guys got to the house I didn't know how to tell them but they knew already so I didn't have to say it
We just hung out and ate till Riley fell asleep

"Let me go put him in his bed, I'll be back"

She came back while we started drinking stronger stuff

"Well I'm gonna see you guys later I have things to do, Murray I'll come pick you up in the morning" Joe's says

Murray just nodded and took a few more shots

"Buddy I'll go with you, I have something to do in Jersey tomorrow" Q just takes a shot and leaves with Joe

Murray passed out even before chris

"Chris come with me"

I take her to the back yard just like that first day we met

"Just like when we met"

"Yup, now what are you hoping for in the future for yourself and your son?"

She looks me dead in the eyes
"That what ever happens with all of this, that I can make sure he's able to be better than what I know and he grows to be a good man"

"Good, we will make sure that he is always taken care of"

"And I say this in the nicest way possible I don't want to have opportunities because I'm your girlfriend, I want them because I got them myself"

"Ok we'll tell the guys and everyone else is on a need to know basis"

"I'm your PA so there's no trouble getting into places"

I scoot a bit more next to her and we cuddle

"Oh that reminds me a friend of mine seen pictures of me and Riley and wanted to have him model some children clothes"

"Ok you can take him to check it out" she smiles

AU Tender in the loins (after truth or shot/ Sal)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz