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It's been a little bit over 4yrs since I became Sal's girlfriend, Riley is now 6yrs old and starting school in the fall

The fans didn't take the news about Sal being off the market every well so I asked him to not post a picture of me just get, I didn't want it to be worse than when Q said he had a girlfriend so I just kept it cool while on set but after a while some of the fans started to accept that Sal wasn't single anymore

Sal made the basement an entertaining room, Riley and I moved up stairs with him after a while and it's amazing that I'm able to feel this way again, the way I feel around him hasn't changed even after 4yrs, I still get butterflies when I see him looking at me at shows and the way he kisses me makes me melt every time

I like the fact that he's been taking Riley with him on set and to photoshoots I think the fans gush more over Riley than they do him but he doesn't mind

Riley has gotten a few spots in a clothing magazine, nothing too big, but he does like the attention most times and it's amazing that he's the one that asks to do things like that now he says he wants to start doing movies too

I'm sure his father has seen the magazines and the show, since Riley is on it with Mil a lot, he hasn't been bothering us for the past 3yrs

It was hell after he found out that I was living with Sal, he didn't like it one bit I didn't blame him Riley called Sal "dad" more often than not even after he met Drew

It's Drew's fault for not having time for him when it really mattered, with him living in Queens with his other son's mom and her kids, I didn't expect Riley to understand the way he was, but he did and just didn't bother getting his hopes up about anything his father would say

"I don't need him mommy, I have dad, uncle Q, Uncle Joe, Mil, Aunt Bessy, and Uncle ferret that love me a lot and I can buy my own things if I wanted to"
is what he told me once when we saw him at the park with the other children

I swear he acts too old to be 6 sometimes, the child support that Drew had been paying is sitting in a savings account for Riley, I made it just after I started working

It's Riley's money even if he doesn't spend it

The exciting thing that I wait for all yr is the Joker's Cruise

it's the 5th Joker's Cruise and I have been able to take Riley with me every time, it's been different every year

I'm still Sal's PA but the Fans on the Cruise Know that I'm his girlfriend, I'm excited for this year's trip

the cutest thing is that I think that Riley has a crush on Mil, Joe and Bessy both know and think it's cute too

Today is the day that we leave, I'm excited that I can't sleep

"Babe, stop moving so much I know that you're excited but we don't leave for another 8hrs" Sal says half asleep

" You know I get like this every yr so I can't help it, and this time it's gonna be even better"

"yeah I know, I can calm you down if you want" he says a bit more a wake while he kisses a trail from my shoulder to me neck

"you know the rules 'Don't start what you can't finish' " I say in a whisper

He starts kissing across my collarbone then stops he looks me in the eyes

"You know that I love every bit of you and I wouldn't change you for anything in the world" with his hand softly pulling my chin up he kisses me deeply it shows he's saying the truth

I look up at him and I smile

"Thank you for everything you have done, I didn't think that I could feel this way about anyone again, I love you more than you know" I kiss him as deeply has he kissed me

We undressed while we kissed slowly and deeply

"I love you" he said while he slid his hands up from my breasts down to my thighs and grabbed tightly

"I love you too Sal" I say in a low whisper and pull him closer to kiss him softly and bite his lower lip

"I love it when you say it like that" he says when he pulls away from the kiss to cuddle

It was 4 in the morning when we finished and fell asleep in each others arms exhausted

I felt someone shaking me

" dude get up I already showered so you need to shower while I make sure everything is ready we have 2hrs to get to our flight" Sal said tossing his shirt at my face

"I'm up, Riley's stuff is packed and near the door already" I say getting up and putting on his shirt

"Ok get in the shower I'll dress and feed him we can get something for us on the way" he says while he leaves the room

10min later I'm out the shower, ready, and slowly taking our stuff to the door then walk into the kitchen

"hey silly, are you almost done with your cereal? we have to get going" I ask Riley

"Yes mommy, Dad said he only gave me a little bit so I won't starve too much" he says after finishing his milk and handing me his bowl to wash

"the van is here to take us to the airport" Sal says

"Ok we're going dad!!!" Riley yells and runs to help with the luggage

I locked up the place and just looked at the boys loading up the luggage they seem like actual father and son

AU Tender in the loins (after truth or shot/ Sal)Where stories live. Discover now