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The next morning I wake up to a text from Q

Let's go to lunch?

Ok, I'll see you in a bit

"Q wants me to go to lunch with him"

"Ok I'll see you later"
He says giving me a kiss

I show up to the lobby and wait for Q

We got to strip on sunset and just found a burger place to eat

"So it's Riley's birthday soon what do you have planned?"

"I was actually thinking that we should have a small party here in L.A and a bigger one back home"

"What about the guy? You gonna let him see Riley?"

"Only at the party, I doubt Sal would have it any other way"

"Yeah that's true, I wanna help with his party so let me know what you want me to do"

"Thanks I will take you up in that offer I was thinking about amusement parks"

We ate and talked about party ideas then things got serious

"Sal talks about wanting to adopt Riley and redo the wedding after the first one airs"

"Ha ha ha, I remember that, it was your punishment to be dressed as a spider and hang from the ceiling it was funny, and yeah we've talked about the adoption thing too I would have to talk about it with the guy then deal with the legal stuff"

"Yeah, yeah laugh it up....anyway we will help you with that seeing as his father hasn't even seen him in a few years"

"Yeah, oh shit we have to get the sound check and ready for the show" I said looking at my watch

"Ok let's get some stuff to go for Joe he would be mad if we didn't take him anything"

I laugh holding up a bag of food

When we got to the venue Sal was there with Riley and Hailey

Riley was doing his homework and Hailey was sitting on stage looking at the guys doing sound check

"I'll go get the stuff ready for the meet and greet you go do sound check" I say to Q


"Nah it's fine" he said into the mic

I walked into the meet and greet room to make sure everything was set right and I see a guy just walking around the room I keep an eye on him to make sure he's not trying to take things from the room to sell them to fans

He stares at me and walks over to me before I can even say anything he starts hitting on me

"Hey, so what's up?"

"Nothing just making sure things are in order"

"Well I'm really good friends with the guys if you want I can get really good seats for the show tonight" he tells me raising his eyebrows

"Really? Well I'm kinda busy later sorry"

I walk around the room one more time checking stuff and he keeps following me just trying to impress me and flirting

"You know what, I have to go finish some other stuff so bye"

"Oh ok, well I'll see you later then" he says while I walk out the room

Man that was lame

I was going to go back to the stage but before I could the guy went after me

"Hey let me get your number maybe we can get to know each other better"

"I rather not, not into dating"

"Come on I can make it worthwhile"

"No I'm fine" I say walking away

He looked like an idiot just standing there

"Oh my name is Jason by the way" he yelled to me

I just kept walking

Sal sent me a text

What was that about?

Dip shit tried to get at me saying that he's friends with you guys and lame shit

Oh ok, you ok right?

Yes, finish up we have to get you guys ready for the meet and greet

After everything was good to go the guys went to change while I put Hailey down for a nap and looked over Riley's homework to make sure everything was done the right way it was a good thing I took the opportunity to call Bessy and asked her to bring everyone's clothes from their rooms while they did the sound check

Jason kept trying to talk to me whenever he saw me alone after the meet and greet Bessy took the kids so I could make sure things got put away

"So about tonight you still busy?"

Yeah, got better stuff to do than entertain silly delusions

"Yup need to make sure everything goes right"

"So where you from?"

I look over at him and he's showing off his money and trying to get my attention I just shake my head

"Listen man, I need to finish working I don't like anyone bothering me so please leave me alone" I say before walking away

He grabs my arm forcefully
"I'm trying to be nice to you, so if you don't want me to get you kicked out from tonight's show then you should be nice to me too"

I look at his hand and back at him

"Please get your hands off me before you get hurt"

"Oh are you going to kick my ass?"

"If she doesn't we will, so leave her alone" Murr says angrily

I could see Sal getting mad

"Oh hey guys I seen her trying to get into the dressing room I was making sure she didn't take anything" Jason said with a confident tone

Sal comes over and gets his hand off of me

"Are you alright? Did he hurt you?"

"Yeah I'm fine, he didn't"

"Dude what is your problem?" Q asks

He tries to make something up
"She was flirting with me so I can get her good seats and stuff"

"I highly doubt that" Sal says

They all come towards me and lead me away
Murr takes a pic of him
"That's for later"

After the thing with Jason happened Sal told me to stay with the kids in the side stage room

"I just want you to be safe...even though I know you can kick some ass if you needed to but you're still my wife"

I smile and blush at his words

"Yeah, I know but I think I've seen him someplace....but I can't remember with who or where"

"It's fine we'll deal with it"

"What do you mean 'we' as in you and the guys?"

"Yup, no worries" he says with an evil smile

AU Tender in the loins (after truth or shot/ Sal)Where stories live. Discover now