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Being 6months pregnant with twins is weird even more so that I'm almost 40 and Sal is almost 50 we don't look or even act our age most of the time

He's still doing the show and even made mini jokers, Riley and Mil are the regular cast as team leaders and they have children of celebrities, and sometimes even their parents, go around in teams to see who can get the most reactions in their challenges. It got a second season so I guess it's going good.

We all took a vacation to L.A to make the wedding happen
I had everything ready when outta nowhere the guys rush around me

"What's going on?" I ask Murr

"TMZ just got here and they're trying to get pictures of you" Brian says

"For what?"

"They said they know about us getting married and that they wanna get an exclusive interview with us"

"Let's go inside and talk about it"

We end up talking to TMZ about the wedding but they wanted to talk about Riley and the custody battle

"What custody battle?"

"The one going on with his biological father's family"

"There's no battle and if he's the one that contacted you then I need you to leave"

"He didn't it's his sisters fighting for custody"

I was going to answer but Sal answered instead

"They have no right to my son and they never will, anything they tell you are lies and you shouldn't publish it
Quote me and make sure everything is said....it took 9yrs for them to see him and it was after one of our shows they went to...they didn't know anything about Riley till I had 'em on stage, and it so happens now that he's on tv they want to have a relationship with him
They have no right to even say that they know him if they slander my family's name I will take them to court" he says as calmly as he could

"I will give a proper interview later after I give birth, right now I don't want to be over whelmed with trivial matters" I say getting up with Sal's help and walking away with the guys following us

Later that evening my family got to the venue and went to see me before sitting down

"Wow, you look beautiful" Sal says coming into the room that I was waiting for him in

"Thank you, are you ready to walk with us when we get out there" by us I mean Riley and Hailey

"Of course I just wanted to come a bit early to calm my nerves" he pulls me in to a soft and tender kiss while he felt our babies kicking

When we walked out Riley stood by my side and held my hand while Hailey was between Sal and I holding our hands

When we get to the alter Sal gets a microphone and talks to the crowd

"When Christal and Riley first rented my basement I wasn't sure what was going to happen...I admit that both Q and I competed for her attention but it wasn't just her it was Riley too the only advantage Q had was that he would watch movies that Riley liked all the time but it didn't stop me from going everyday to their room to hangout... I was lucky enough to be with her for so long and not have her get annoyed by me...what I'm trying to say is thank you Riley for letting me share your mom for all these yrs, now that you have a little sister and two more siblings on the way I know you will be a good example cuz the four of us sure as hell ain't gonna"

We cheered Riley gave Sal a hug that made us cheer even more and we started the ceremony

"Christal now are you sure you still want Sal as a husband? you know you can do better" Q says

"Yeah, I know I can do better but I can also do worse so yeah I'm sure plus it's kinda too late to back out now" I say pointing at my belly

"Ok well he's all yours when we don't need him, so what about you Sal?" Q says

"What about me Quinn?"

"Oh nothing, just don't fuck up like every dip shit she's known"

"Trust me I won't"

We ended the ceremony and for the reception we just had the guys do a show while we had some cake

3months later

Once again I was in the hospital but this time Sal wasn't as freaked out like last time

"Do you need anything? Ice chips? Anything?"

"Not since the last time you asked Vulcano like 5min ago"

"Ha ha ha mommy called you Vulcano daddy that means she's mad" Hailey says

"Yeah, so unless you wanna get strapped with that thing Q was to be at the same pace with me then stop asking"

"Oh no I'm ok, I'll go sit over there till you need me"

The contractions are getting stronger and I didn't think I could handle them so I asked for an epidural before it was too late

"Sal, please let Murr know he needs to hold my hand"

"But I wanna....oh wait ok"

"Murr get your ferret ass in here"

"What do I need to do?"

"You remember that I was gonna punish you really bad?"

"Yeah, well here it goes"

"Go hold her hand while she's giving birth and I won't punish you"

He gets pushed to my side and I get his hand while Sal is on my other side helping me push

I squeezed Murray's hand tight like the guys told me even when it didn't hurt

"She's gonna break my hand!!!"
Murr yells

Joe and Brian came in with a machine

"Here put this on" says joe coming with the contraction machine

"Now you'll know how I feel right now" I say to Murr

"Let's put a bit of numbers 1,4,6, and 8" Joe laughed at the faces Murr made

"That's why Sal said hold her hand but you bitched and this is what you get" Brian says laughing

"Turn it off!!!!" he yells

"Not till I pop the twins out" I tell him while pushing

10min later

"It's a girl!!!!"

"Baby Elizabeth Vulcano" Sal says

3mins later

"It's a boy!!!!"

"Baby Anthony Edward Vulcano" I say

We turned the machine off when Elizabeth popped out so Murr is still on the floor trying not to cry

"Good thing we're in a hospital already they can check and make sure you're ok" Riley says laughing

AU Tender in the loins (after truth or shot/ Sal)Where stories live. Discover now