Jet/Droy: First

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This was a request I got on AO3, and I decided to post it her cause why the fuck not? 😂

Jet and Droy have always had their firsts together. First team, first fight, everything. As they look back, though, there are two memories that particularly stand out.

First kiss:

It had been an abnormally stormy night, and Jet had not thought over this when he had tried to test out his speed. That ended in him being in the predicament he was now in. His ankle had twisted, and he now sat down, unable to move. He shivered as the cold, stinging rain hit him. There was no one around, and he was a few minutes away from his house. "Jet!" Someone called his name. He looked up and saw Droy running towards him. He stopped in front of Jet, eyes wide. "Are you okay?" He asked his friend. "I can't move." Jet ground out, the pain in his ankle flaring. Droy sighed as he wrapped the other mage's arms around his shoulder and lifted him up. The wet leaves under them crunched as Droy slipped, causing them both to hit the hard ground. He let out an 'oomph' as his back hit the hard ground. Jet fell on top of him, their lips colliding in an accidental kiss. Their eyes widened as an electric shock jolted through their bodies. Eyes closed as they melted into the kiss. They had always wanted to do this with one another, but were too scared to voice their feelings.

First time:

"I'm ready." Those were the words that Droy had spoken in the quiet bedroom. Those were the words that made Jet choke. "Are you sure?" Jet asked his lover of now two months. He watched as Droy gulped, but nodded. This was what Jet had been waiting for, and now that it was happening he was nervous. Their bodies collided in a heated kiss, and clothes were thrown across the room. A few moments of preparation passed, and Jet thrusted into his lover slowly. He wanted their first time to be amazing. He didn't want to do it rough. He wanted it to go slow, to show Droy how much he cared. "Droy?" He spoke breathlessly. "Yeah?" His boyfriend answered. "I love much." He told Droy. The darker haired mage smiled widely. "I love you, too."

Now, looking back on those times, they realized how far they've come. "I love you." Jet smiled as he said to his husband of a year. Droy returned the smile. "I love you more."

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