Yuri/Mavis: Jealousy

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It was another summer day, the heat nearly sweltering. In a small lake in an isolated forest, two small girls were splashing each other with the cool water to escape the sun's rays.

Giggles erupted from the two as they continued their splash war. That is, until the blonde mentioned the name 'Zeref.' The bruenette snapped her mouth shut and turned with a pout playing on her soft lips. She crossed her arms.

Mavis, noticing the sudden change of behavior in her comrade, became worried. "What's wrong, Yuri?" She asked sweetly.

The brunette only ignored her, sending a glare over her shoulder. "You always talk about him. It's either 'Zeref this' or 'Zeref that'!" Yuri shouted.

The blonde was taken off guard before stifling a giggle. "Are you jealous?"

"Shut up." Yuri whined.

However, she was caught off guard when Mavis's bare body was pressed against her back and small arms wrapped around her in a gentle embrace. The blonde pressed her forehead against the other's shoulder. "You don't have to worry about him, Yuri. I love someone else."

The brunette's heart dropped, and she gulped. "W-who?" She feared the worst. This beautiful fairy would never love her.

Another giggle left the blonde as she turned Yuri around to face her and bopped her nose. "You, silly!"

Yuri was shocked when soft lips pressed against hers in an innocent, chaste kiss. When Mavis pulled away, the brunette smiled softly. "I love you, too." She whispered as she watched the fairy-obsessed girl skip away.

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